
The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • I jumped off a cliff, fell to my death (oh wonder) but then i had to watch with a lot of pain how my body was rolling and jumping down the rest of the mountain like flubber. It was fun to watch but i couldn´t release and go to spawn directly as it didn´t give me the option to interrupt this painful scene :)

    When i finally could respawn i wanted to teleport to my body to loot but instead of spawning there i spawned at the point of impact, resulting in another deathragdollmode-scene :drunk:

    So my suggestion there would be:

    A) give a chance to interrupt the death scene as its funny once or twice but annoying after a while

    B) instead of gotodeathposition make it more like gotocorpse - or something like that

    C) implement a minigame to control our ragdoll body - i imagine something like the really artistic stunt-games of flatout 2 - i even can imagine that some creative people will create some very funny and entertaining ragdoll-championship-courses :)

  • I like option C, but first we need a proper third-person view before we can even think about something like that :D

    However, you should still be able to interrupt the death scene by clicking on the screen (LMB). It looks like you have to click twice to bring up the respawn dialog (that's something that needs to be addressed). But you definitely don't have to wait until the player body has come to a complete halt ^^

    When i finally could respawn i wanted to teleport to my body to loot but instead of spawning there i spawned at the point of impact, resulting in another deathragdollmode-scene :drunk:

    The situation is a bit tricky: Ragdoll isn't deterministic, so in multiplayer, we couldn't properly sync this "death animation". As a result, your final cam position isn't necessarily at the same position of your actual body. The Java version already had the same issue (although there was no ragdoll at all, just this first-person death animation)... we still have to find a proper solution for that. Probably I can say more about that in a few weeks (once multiplayer is almost ready).

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