Multi-Texture Support for custom static models

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  • Hello there folks! I have been playing around with the static model plugin. At this time, it only supports a single texture for models, but a lot of cool 3d models have multiple textures/materials (example: Laptop has textures for the keyboard, case, screen). Does anyone know a program on how to combine multiple textures to just one single file instead of numerous files so it would be compatible with the plugin? And if so, could anyone tell me how?

  • The plugin API doesn't support models with multiple textures atm if I am not mistaken, that is why the plugin was probably made that way and doesn't either.

    If the model is using multiple texture files UV mapped on it there is no way I know to bake that into a single texture file for the game to use. The only way would be to either use shaders in e.g. blender and bake a texture out of them or to hand draw the texture on the model

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