
The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • First off love the game. Few things I believe need improvements and a couple items i would like to see in game.

    My only nitpick is specific to furnaces, the auto-placement speed of ores is frustratingly slow. The placement speed would be nice if it was same as pickup speed (Referring to hold RMB to place and F to pickup)

    Next, Item suggestions. I love the new power tools, Chainsaw replaces axe, mining drill replaces pickaxe etc. But another highly used item is the rake. And its extremely slow. Possibly adding something quicker with the rakes same functions following the power tool category. Possibly a rototiller or even a bigger style rake made in advanced crafting table, Rake Steel that's faster or a bigger rake head that can cover more ground. All would be a great addition.

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