[Anime] Azur Lane

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  • Part 3

    Part 2 of Yura (Tango-Yura - Ann Shirley Cafe)

    I was gifted a LOT of goodies from Kure & Yura for respecting their naval history; For visiting their areas for Kantai Collection.


    Maizuru, Japan.

    I was suggested to come here from Nara. It was fate/destiny. I was supposed to come here one way or another ;)

    - Maizuru & Yura cardboard cutout at Maizuru station heading to Maizuru.

    - Tunnel at Maizuru with Maizuru & Yura shipgirls. Alternating poster images.

    - Both an Kantai Collection Anime spot, along with a highly respected museum.


    Both an Animation spot, as well as a Kantai collection get. I obtained a Yura display in the above image. $100 Canadian, almost.

    Stations named after vessels.

    A bakery I was told to visit paying high respects to Kantai Collection.

    Another part in next post.

  • Maizuru station upon arrival.

    - Shoukaku's shrine (South of Nara), preferable from Kantai Collection. I used Azur Lane. I was told to visit this place by other Kantai Collection people.

    (There is more to this area, yet upload image limit prevents me from sharing more.)


    Kure, Japan:

    One of the major beating hearts of the naval pride, of Kantai Collection, and the Yamato museum. All hail Yamato!

    - Yamato's anchor

    - Yamato museum

    Yamato Museum with Kantai Collection side-characters.

    - Military tour cruise boat viewing the docked military vessels in the harbour. Shigure on the window, a destroyer.

    Y's Cafe, the place which caused all the Kantai Collection fans to swarm my Twitter account.

    - Ooyodo cardboard cutout with Kasumi from Azur Lane on the left.

    - Kure's Yamato museum.

    Was supposed to be shared two more, yet that's what I was provided.

    Japan prides itself in its military. I admire it. I love how true and artistic they are with their naval pride, their anime, and how they let things be free. I admired Europeans this way as well, even being intellectually superior to North Americans. Europe sadly dropped in that regard, same with Canada on its own. Nobody is smart in Canada, or at least a few. It's forcing me to go the Japanese route while keeping an eye out on any quality gems hiding in Europe. Rising World still appears to be a lovely admirable gem.

    I'm proud to have visited a few surviving WW2 ships in Canada, as well as other fellow Canadians into our history. We have HMCS Haida and HMCS Sackville. I visited the former, need to visit the latter. We Canadians aren't true to our honest feelings, yet we have the best aviation and a highly respectable navy to look back on. :monocle:

  • I really do have to thank both Kantai Collection and Azur Lane for informing me more about world events. Even though I mostly gave up on Kantai Collection it's always nice seeing how the Japanese use it as a source of pride; Sharing and caring about their naval history. They're aware they've done wrong, they however made the most out of it, especially in highly respectful ways. Azur Lane has mostly done things correctly, if with simialar flaws and mistakes as KanColle. Nothing is perfect, yet at least the latter is more honest than the former. Yes, Azur Lane has to use the lewdness factor to advertise their game to gamers (Supply and demand), but at least it makes people aware,. and what the various vessels had done in their history.

    Ever since my last argument I've occasionally had thoughts about how people perceive warships, and how one is also assumingly shamed and shunned into not admiring WW2 "units", especially of the German variety, yet the Japanese are honest about it. Same with Americans. Even how a Japanese local (maybe of Australian attachment) also prides themselves with Perth from KanColle and the real world version. I've been constantly mulling it over, yet still feel it's perfectly fine to admire World War 2 (or war-related) machinery and vessels as a respectable entity, even as a (lewd) shipgirl. Is it really so wrong to admire something from your history? I'm genuinely asking out loud, even if I may or may not get a response. Yes, Germany was told to be "hush-hush", and same with the Canadians, but at least people are happier when they can actually express themselves freely, especially without restraint. People have a shinier smile, especially when they also allow themselves to have actual REAL fun. I genuinely do admire the German vessels in both KanColle AND Azur Lane, though it's a shame hearing people aren't allowed to both admire and respect the past out of fear of accidentally turning into an enemy, even if what you fear is exactly what turns you into what you fear. You are what you fear, as they say.

    It's thanks to Kantai Collection I've been made aware of Canadians even having a navy, and even an intentionally forgotten one. What they considered purchasing, what they got rid of, and what they now currently have.

    Without KanColle I wouldn't even have found myself priding over how Canadians could have allegedly obtained an Essex-Class aircraft carrier, or even what vessels.

    Canadians never had an Essex-Class, yet it's fun to experiment and see "what-if's", something which games in general should be about. Exploring, having fun, and just winging things in the name of exploration. About both exploration and creativity, as much as it is about informing and being respectful. Educational creativity. :monocle:

    I've attempted to have fun with the concept of - HMCS Dominion - an Essex-Class Carrier belonging to the Canadians. All in the name of Canadian pride, creativity, etc, even if I'm using AI tools to aid in my visualization. (If nobody is going to provide, it's best to do things yourself.)


    And I somehow get mechas out of random Bing AI generations, something which is neat, and equally frustrating. AI is still in its infancy, and intentionally scaled down to prevent certain queries to be 100% generated. Still need to commission artists, something I'll eventually do. Games are meant about having fun, escapism, and just letting loose creatively. That's what makes games fun. You have creative fun, even if the concept is crazy, or relatable. It's all about how people connect, let loose, artistic about it, and the whole "escapism" factor of it. That's what makes shipgirls fun in general, even to the point "purists" & "prudes" gravitate to 'Victory Belles', a European version of KanColle & Azur Lane. If I can ever see them in Rising World then that would genuinely make my day. Even for the Japanese, and those who admire anything of these concepts.


    Hyping myself up on Shinano Meta's theme.

    Shinano - Both the best and worst carrier at the same time:

    At least she's cute, foxy, and highly respectable in Azur Lane. Can't wait for her META form to eventually come out, as noted via the above video.

    I guess I'll still be mulling it over what was noted about admiring vehicles and vessels is apparently taboo in some places, yet openly accepted in the rest of the world. I'll continue to be prideful of my Canadian navy, hoping and wishing for the day they finally appear in Azur Lane, KanColle, or maybe through modded means in Rising World. I've tried keeping things SFW, especially knowing how much people enjoy protesting for the sake of protesting, and no other reason. I tried to keep things by the book. All SFW content.

    In a world where you're shamed, knocked down, and constantly pushed to the side in attempts to admire something I always have to use other means to connect with what I admire, even if it's Anime itself. I have to use OpenAI, BingAI, and whatever I can get my hands on to admire even the Canadian aspect of things. Always wishing, desiring, yet always intentionally sidelined. It's fun learning, seeing, and stumbling across new historical informations.

  • I'm well aware of the fact I'm conversing with myself because we have people who are into more "Western" mediums, and that's fine. Even if they are into Azur Lane stuff they prefer games like 'Victory Belles', but that's also fine. People can be prudish, and I can't stop them, nor will I attempt to do so, as others have attempted to stop me from having my own fun. Slandering me, berating me at every step of the way "for the lulz", and etc. I want to share my fun, and I hope people can connect with the "having fun" part. I met new Japanese friends thanks to KanColle & Azur Lane, and I admire that. I admire how true (to a fault) Japanese are with their naval interests, and those who are actually true to themselves outside of Japan as well.

    Everything is "for fun", and that's why I share it. I do share what I post here in their respective communities, though it wouldn't hurt to do the same for those who tend to solely lurk for lurking sake. Normal people aren't like us, they don't post as frequently as forum users do.

    I'm 100% well aware of the fact Slovakia doesn't have a navy, yet it's still fun messing with plausibility's.

    - Slovakian Shipgirl (AI Art):

    (Also because I saw a Czechoslovakian military naval river which made me curious as to how Bing AI would generate Slovakian shipgirls inspired by both KanColle & Azur Lane.)

    - HMCS Dominion (AI Art):
    (Essex-Class; Because USA attempted to offer Canadians an Essex-Class aircraft carrier.)

    - HMCS Ontario (AI Art):
    (Pre-WW1 - Queen Elizabeth-Class Battleship)

    It was an attempt, yet not really pleased with it. It's "close enough" to where I'll take it. Because I'm not officially allowed to admire my Canadians via official mediums I had to use AI tools to have them formed because we genuinely live in a world of "no fun allowed". You try to do something causing you to get berated, cancelled, slandered, abused, and all this idiotic nonsense. Basically cases of "Everything is your fault, you must die, stop being human, stop having fun, & etc, etc". I made note of what ChatGPT 4o noted, and I ran it through Bing AI. Simple stuff, yet it's frustrating when even AI can't do things fully well. I'll commission someone at a later point, once everything hopefully calms down.

    I simply desire to have fun, and I've been trying via these attempts, hence why I'm sharing more positive mediums; Filling in the voids using AI tools to assist in connecting with my Canadian pride. I've stated this before, yet shall attempt to add "any", or whatever Canadian military vessels via modding which I'm able to. If Red51 doesn't view me as a threat, a pest, or anything, even providing the whole community "caveman IQ tools" then even I could do what I've long desired, no longer even needing to harass him. I'd just import my own Canadian vessels, my own Anime models, and do everything on my own terms without having to be bitten when requesting aid and assistance from people.


    Azur Lane having a 6th Anniversary in August:

    Nobody plays gacha games. People are here for Rising World so let's have some Wild West fun.

    Wild, Wild west. I'm amused by the silly antics between the ship girls and the "crew" of the vehicles on the rigging. They're in the train, eager to visit the Wild Wild West, and other similar Wild West areas. Everything is more or less a happy moment, and happy moments need to be cherished.

    I'd be amused if I see a Spider mecha in Azur Lane making reference to the 1990's 'Wild Wild West' movie with Will Smith in it.

    Off to the Wild West we go, maybe in August. A few months to go, yet I don't want my summer to blow over so quickly. We still have Rising World's update to release.


    Japan keeping the naval spirit alive with a Yamato Battleship shaped cloud during sunset.


    Better to be true to yourself than a stick in a mud. June is Male Mental Health Month, yet even that isn't respected. It's actively frowned upon, and even encouraged to degrade each and every guy/boy/male out there. Shame you're not allowed to be your own self, admire your own hobbies, nor be your own true self. Everybody always blames everything on you & others over false pretexts and reasonings. Toxic. But hey, at least Rising World has its own beauty (game and modding/plugins), and same with Azur lane. Can't wait to be given the chance to mesh Rising World and Azur Lane together, if I'm even allowed to do that. Everything has turned too salty everything is highly uncertain with how vicious people are. More and more vicious by the year over false pretexts, reasonings, and nonsense. Am I allowed to play Rising World in the near future? Who knows. All I know is that Red51 may bow down to those wishign ill will to me so I may never be allowed to play Rising World again. I'll cherish the final moments before possibly fully migrating to the Asian scene, if that's how people l desire things to be, further destroying Rising World in the process. :dizzy:

    I desire to stick around longer for trains, boats, fishing, and etc. I want to at least do that much, and even desired modding. Azur Lane & KanColle modding for Rising World... Let me just do that much.

    I'm just having my fun, and I admire my fun.

    Parati vero parati

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