help new version

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  • It looks like you're not running the latest version? :thinking: The screen just shows the debug console, which is only active if you've played the december demo before ^^ You can disable it by opening the "" file in the "_New Version" folder and setting "Game_DebugConsole" to false. But updating to the latest version should also disable the console automatically.

    The latest warning "ShaderProgram is unsupported" is caused by the underlying render pipeline - it indicates that the graphics card does not support all required features. This seems to be happening on certain older GPUs... you should be able to get rid of it by disabling "Decals" in the graphics settings.

    However, it seems that initializing the game takes extremely long - around 14 seconds to initialize the audio device, then another 13 seconds to init the Steam API, and another 20 seconds to load the UI :wat: This indicates that there is either another program which interfers with the game (e.g. an antivirus program), or the hard drive is extremely slow... maybe you can share your system specs? If you manage to get to the main menu, you can open the console by typing `or ~, then type "report" to send us a report file. Alternatively you could maybe upload the Player.log file here (which is located in the "Logs" folder) ;)

  • It looks like you're not running the latest version? :thinking: The screen just shows the debug console, which is only active if you've played the december demo before ^^ You can disable it by opening the "" file in the "_New Version" folder and setting "Game_DebugConsole" to false. But updating to the latest version should also disable the console automatically.

  • good evening Red51

    thank you so much

    im one step further than before DebugConsole is false and have disabled decals

    i can now see the game and still have a black screen i have tried every different screen resolution

    any other advise would be very much appreciated

  • Thanks for the log :) Unfortunately this looks like the graphics card is not compatible with the new version... the Intel HD Graphics 5500 adapter unfortunately does not meet the minimum requirements of the game... the integrated graphics adapter lacks support for various graphics features that are crucial for the game, but also for Unitys new HDRP (the underlying render pipeline we're using) :/

    But even if the game would start properly, I'm afraid it would still be unplayable due to low framerates... the minimum requirement for the game is a GTX 650 Ti or a GT 1030 - which are more than 4 times more powerful than an Intel HD 5500 :|

    I'm so sorry that I don't have any positive news :(

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