Arcticu's Rising World plans (Unity)

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • You guys can ignore this if you so desire, I'm just making a new list and priorities for Rising World as it continues to mature and shape up. I wanted to make a new thread (deleting any past ones for Java) so I can also insert this thread into my signature. Who knows if I'll be able to accomplish the below with the wild cards life tends to show, just the sooner Rising World updates the better. Not forcing Red51 and his team, just.... Planning.

    Also, if you want to post what your priorities for Rising World is feel free to share them. It could be as simple as making a simple hut in singleplayer mode, making certain mods, or whatever you want to do. Maybe a fort, or whatever.

    I'm sorry if you guys consider me "loud" or "obnoxious", just that if you can't be vocal about the things you enjoy then you might as well be dead. People want to shame you and silence you for having fun.

    (Purpose of this image is: "The fun-tax". I love how a fellow Canadian noted it, thus why I'm sharing it. I'm going to use it from now on.)


    Rising World Priorities:

    - Boats & World War 2 Vessels:

    Let us start off with boats because that is what people wanted, and I accidentally shunned people when it came to that for Java version. I found it logically better to have horses & trains, even then we were not able to get most of it. Having played games like Minecraft (& Movecraft), Ylands, Wurm Unlimited it would be awesome once we come around to having boats, be it vanilla or modded. I'll obviously be building dockyards, shipyards, and etc (when the time allows) to boast my naval might in both "for fun" and to reflect Canadian naval stuff. If we're to obtain larger ships then I can't wait to have the satisfaction of piecing it together with keel, hull, mast, and etc in their separate chunk. They're best build in parts. I would happily build a drydock to handle them to then have them let loose into any body of water to deal with them.

    Ships I would consider appropriate could even be SS Nomadic, and even Princess Sophia type vessels. They don't have to be exact replicas, just similar being inspired by them. Few cabins, places for crafting spaces, able to hold lots of storage, and just be the "mobile home" that boats tend to be known as. Again, doesn't have to be copies, just "similar".

    Princes Sophia (Above) - SS Nomadic (Below)

    My gaming buddies would be happy having a home that they don't have to build by hand themselves. They could make a mobile home on a boat and be done with it. Just as long as it doesn't sink. Maybe make duplicates. 8)

    As a side-note: Because WW2 Naval game developers are fearful and scared, I want to be able to have some WW2 era naval warships in Rising World, even if they're static models. Similar to the Object plugin we had for Java, I would love to be able to import WW2 vessels into my game to proudly display them. If by any chance Red51 feels "giving" enough I wouldn't mind having a generic Minesweeper or torpedo warship in Rising World to have fun with, and maybe blast some pirates with. Or whatever other threats we gain in the future. I'm not expecting any war material, just Rising World can be any game you want, and your worlds can be whatever it wants to be.

    I'm Canadian so I patriotically align myself as a proud Canadian for Canadian Navy. Both because of that, lazy WW2 developers, and for Wargaming's abuse of Two Community members & 2 staff members something that was already special is now overly special. I want to take HMCS Yukon as my own turning her into my own vessel. I want to take WoWS models of HMCS Haida & HMCS Yukon to import into Rising World to display them proudly at my main shipyard. If Red51 wants to add in simplistic minesweeper German vessels into RW then I'd be fine with that. Whatever works I will be happy with just as long as I can tap into a void game developers are frustratingly afraid to fill in.

    Any WW2 vessel I can get my hands on shall be proudly displayed (and maybe even used) within Rising World. 8) Well, that is if Red51 allows me to. If he wants me to have a sailing ship then I'll be fine with just that, but do know that my desires to populate Rising World's worlds is vast.


    - Trains:

    Can't wait to make a main train station which would link up hubs on one island, go underwater to another, and just link itself everywhere. Can't wait to use steam, diesel, and electric trains to roam the world of Rising World with crazy train station designs, build through oceans, and other fun projects. If I don't have time to do these things anymore then they'll stay simple desires.

    I wanted to make a pyramid on a rectangle base for trains to come in at, and to just admire the view. Even if visually from screenshots. I want to have fun with trains in ONE proper game, similar to how we can't get a proper WW2 naval game. Only Silent Hunter 3 is the best naval game while Rising World may be the best train game out there, ironically beating train sims. If anything, Trains in Rising World could rival that of Minecraft's Traincraft mod, or even surpass it by a long shot.

    With what Red51 noted we could even have the train automatically move at a low enough throttle. I'm fine with that.


    - Statues & Monuments:

    When the time comes I'll be making these statues and monuments using model plugins to import models again. Basically what I've done in Java is what I'll do in Unity, and much more. I'll also be doing it with any HMCS vessel I come across so I can share my Canadian pride WW2 game developers refuse to acknowledge appropriately. I'll re-import Tallgeese (The white mecha in the image), import HMCS Yukon, HMCS Haida, among other vessels. If I could even potentially pilot an imported WW2 vessel that be a nice bonus. Firing their guns would be awesome, though Red51 will have to decide with we are allowed to do that or not. Statues, monuments, shipyards with static vessel models, and etc. That shall be glorious.


    More plans and desires to be noted as time goes on. Shall edit as we go on.

  • Late night ramblings, trying to make this quick. Who knows if it may seem normal or not, I have to make note of this while the iron is hot showing why Rising World is one of the best games out there with the greatest potential......


    Rising World - Modding (NPCs & Main character):

    This basically ties into 'Statues & Monuments', this however expands things further thanks to both Red51's and Twitter's reaction to me. From my tweet about how someone told me to get back into Busou Shinki I felt "alive" again, also with how someone DM'd me just to stay true to figure photography. Rising World wise Red51 noted in a posting on Steam forums we shall be able to customize our main character and NPCs, something I'm now overly excited for. I can't wait for when that day now comes for when we can customize NPCs to Busou Shinki characters, anime characters, etc. Scathach from Fate anime universe. Hololive characters betrayed by politics and bullying being able to be free in Rising World.

    Scathach (Fate/Extella Link):…ns/0/5281042383588623396/

    Scathach, Skadi, Renge, KanColle, Azur Lane, Hololive, among other numerous characters. This however all depends on Red51 and how open he plans to make his API.


    Let it be known that once we obtain the ability to once again import static models, change NPCs to other models, and other forms of customization you'll see a boom of interest from the outside. This is why I'm posting this because of the reception I got from a DM telling me to continue taking figure photography of Busou Shinki figures. This, on top of a Busou Shinki "mod" would increase traffic to this game from the Japanese side. To those constantly worried about Rising World's popularity shouldn't worry if certain steps are seriously considered. Once we get proper modding you'll see a nice increase in traffic for this game.

    Japanese folks importing Arnval into what appears to be VRChat. If it can be done there, it can be done in Rising World.

    Kris follows me for Genshin Impact, now for Busou Shinki also. The potential in Rising World is greater than any other game I've seen. I apologize for my obnoxiousness, just Rising World is the best platform right now for anything currently out there. VRChat & Tower Unite barely fill in these voids. It's why I'm here.

  • My plans for Rising World is basically an expansion of what I've noted in the first posting while adding onto it with my experiences in British Columbia, Canada. My trip to Vancouver took me from Vancouver to Tofino, and then the alternate way into Lake Louise, into Alberta. I saw insane scenery and things I would otherwise see in this overly shy city of Ottawa. Can't really see rail, nor things otherwise openly shown in British Columbia.

    (Things may be jumbled from how much I'm trying to share. Bare with me as I try to make sense of everything myself, especially the two posting errors I had above.)

    - Skytrain - Automated railway, and my new favourite way to go around the city. Highly efficient. A Mexican friend noted it appears similar to how Japan does it in its efficiency. If we're allowed to have automated trains then these Skytrain type trains shall see heavy use on overly populated servers, maybe even quiet private server types.

    52227644667_0996cb75f8_c.jpg20220719_125532 by SubTrance, on Flickr

    52241133467_787660dc88_c.jpg20220725_133034 by SubTrance, on Flickr

    - Visiting a train museum out in the mountains with various antics. If unsure about what sort of trains to add into Rising World one could always take a peak at various train museums to see what else could be inserted into the game. The small types may probably be popular on 'SMP' worlds.

    52221651159_a43887c042_c.jpg20220716_163951 by SubTrance, on Flickr

    - Mining train and cart. I'm sure Red51 has noted this, though had to renote it from my POV seeing how neat it is. The various ore carts, the machine itself. Shall be handy to have. If it's overly efficient to use these with the ore payouts I'm willing to use these to get around. I'll also be using these to transport things underground in cities from a port into a storage and other facilities.

    52220385587_9b73179a79_c.jpg20220716_134425 by SubTrance, on Flickr

    - Mining train - Used to scoop up debris to haul elsewhere. Rising World's variant may have to have a longer reach, or seek one with a longer reach.

    52221390651_284bb4feb0_c.jpg20220716_122612 by SubTrance, on Flickr

    - Trams - I still desire them for Rising World, at least in a cargo capacity. Having trams installed in your settlements would add for that semi-scenic touch while allowing you to haul goods around in a more visually pleasing manner. I feel trams are a big must in Rising World.

    52244660764_f07d544375_c.jpg20220726_134532 by SubTrance, on Flickr

    - Steam Train - Red51 shared a train similar to this, though still sharing this for my love of trains. Train hype!

    52240096845_824075010d_c.jpg20220723_193747 by SubTrance, on Flickr


    - Red51's Steam Train:

    We sadly have to wait a long time for these trains to be added into the game. The waiting pain is real, though at least it's still there. I really do hope trains work the way they do in Minecraft's Traincraft by focusing on their niche storage. I hope liquid storages stay in their own carts while logs are themed to theirs, etc. Rock and ore should stay in their open top carts.


    - Semi-random image noting how I desire to have my desired Anime characters roaming around the Rising World environment by importing models to have them behave as their own entities. I'm still hoping and wishing for that possibility. (Heavy shipping focus also).

    52240161780_7ff229b795_c.jpgazur2022724144923.png by SubTrance, on Flickr

    - Trains! Just lots of trains. My city of Ottawa is shy with its train while Vancouver is more open with it. You see trains in Vancouver and British Columbia as you would when building in your own world of Rising World. Various side streets, various farming land areas, over bridges, hiding behind mountain trees, and everywhere. British Columbia is not shy about its trains. They're EVERYWHERE. Ontario? You have to hunt them down.
    52219705439_2ed0917801_c.jpg20220715_110625 by SubTrance, on Flickr

    (Expand me, I'm a video!)

    - TRAINS!

    52241130967_5f89537ce8_c.jpg20220725_131905 by SubTrance, on Flickr

    - Scenic railway was always my dream (White Rock).

    52242122323_488d153466_c.jpg20220725_211944 by SubTrance, on Flickr

    - TRAINS!!

    52261060668_da054d8bff_c.jpg20220730_184933 by SubTrance, on Flickr

    - TRAINS!!!

    52261062238_20ce002c7a_c.jpg20220730_171018 by SubTrance, on Flickr

    - TRAINS!!!!

    52261062493_0d61ef4938_c.jpg20220730_161024 by SubTrance, on Flickr

    - Helicopter pad: I wish we had some form of aviation, even if it has to only be helicopters.

    52233374595_b2786b1727_c.jpg20220721_184636 by SubTrance, on Flickr

    - Seaplanes & cargo airstrip oriented planes. If we're ever allowed to have these sort of planes they'll see a fair amount of use on my end to send goods around. Granted, they may make boats obsolete to which quantity and fuel may have to play a factor. Various pros and cons to play with. Some aviation oriented planes can land on land, though only certain types.

    52227642992_34b4da7f6d_c.jpg20220719_182632 by SubTrance, on Flickr

    I also have interesting ideas and ways to build roadways. I've done similar in Java, now more so for Unity once we obtain our actual biome update in how to actually theme the roadways. One roadway, one bike/horse way, and one train way (adding onto the lanes the busier it gets). I've done similar. I'll try to be making my main island as efficient as possibly hoping we'll get nice train types, nice mounts, survival experience, and even cool places to port with boats. If we're allowed I do hope we can also play with amphibious planes, short take-off oriented cargo planes (Twin Otter & Dornier types), and/or even helicopters.

    I'm well aware main updates have to go in first which is a given. When everything allows I'm hoping to see things I've seen with my eyes find their way into Rising World in a trickle manner. Basically similar to how a marble falls down onto various begs, or how an hour-glass functions with sand.

  • Red51, sorry if you're going to hate me for this, I just simply keep stumbling across many new things to the point it could easily tie in with Rising World. Constant new discoveries.


    Rising World - NPC Update - Booth VRM Integration:

    I've discovered various authors on Pixiv's 'Booth' site sell their models under the VRoid configuration. Sometimes you get VRChat, and other times its bundled as its own VRM folder with files relating to VRM. I've already made note of things in the best detail I could, even attracting one lonely troll seeking attention via laughing award. But yeah,....

    - Noting various discoveries:…tp=9#c3437955554619667306

    (I've killed the software side of my Steam Deck so I hope people are grateful for my sacrifice in noting various information. I'm well aware people can be real jerks voiding your observations, hijacking it, etc. I now have to recalibrate my Steam Deck back thanks to Valve rushing out their Steam Deck prematurely. Killed it stress-testing it through VRChat while exploring VRchat's Summer Vket 2022. It would behave similar to Rising World's performances.)

    - Booth:

    - Example Models - (VRoid Hub):



    (Sharing both these links for the 'VRoid Hub' model preview window and the VRM support. Various models have VRM support, something I'm assuming Red51 loosely plans to support.)

    Below image is an example of a VRM folder, something we could easily use for 'Staticmodels' plugins in Java from the recent 'IS-2' model I've obtained via Booth (preview image below, after the cut). That's fine, I'm however hoping for interactive NPCs doing their own thing by joining you, interacting, mining, combat, etc. More NPC related tasks.

    I'm well aware Red51 is seeking to tap into the '' integration. That's fair, I however hope he also looks into the whole Booth side of things. I'm now not the only one seeking for Rising World to implement a VRoid integration.

    - VRoid Steam Forum Suggestion Proposal (BeanNChocolate):…s/12/3419937087344561045/

    I now back this fully, more so now that I've finally seen what is being sold on Booth. Yes, it's mostly anime and Japanese, there is always something for everybody. Who knows, they could cater to Rising World's needs depending on how Red51 integrates it, how supply and demand works. I'm all for this idea to make Rising World as highly customizable, and plan to do so from the get-go, even pre-2015. I tried with Minecraft to end up failing on that front. I have to rely on Rising World. VRChat ended up being a 50/50 in realizing my goals and dreams.

    I know Steam forums wants to constantly laugh at me (laughing emote), wanting to be Reddit 2.0 in toxicity, just that this is a big feature for Red51 to consider for his NPC update, or at least for his plugin update. Does he want to add it? Will he wait for his plugin update? NPC update? Maybe a mix of both? Gradual implementation? I'm genuinely curious.


    - Example image from a recent hangout, an overly memorable one in VRChat seeing a friend I haven't seen in months. Even showing a Booth model (IS-2) on the left, a custom one on the right.

    (Above image: Left is myself, and Right is Blue, a VRC mute friend. Always comes running up to me for headpats via VR gestures.)

    (Left: The blue mecha is a 'Kampfer' from Gundam in a Gundam shop world in VRChat. The character in White is Renge, a model I'm desiring to turn into a 15 cm tall NPC entity in Rising World, Red51 willing. Hopefully. The more support via plugins, backend, and even with VRoid support would allow for so much. I've loosely even imported models in Java version through Static Models importing Gundam Epyon. As for the Renge model, she isn't a Vroid/VRM. She's a Unity file with a semi-messy state of edits. She may struggle to be imported into Rising World with various texture issues. I feel bad I may have to harass Red51 for technical support on that for when the time comes, for when we cross that bridge in time.)

    I'm well aware folks on here are not Anime oriented, that's fine. There are other Vroid and other VRM related models that could potentially be non-Japanese, such as weapons, or even some rare Western models. The more you search, request, and seek the more you'll stumble across them. The more you search the more you'll find. As for when Rising World matures enough, especially on the modding side, I'm hopefully going full force importing models to turn into NPCs (Red51 willing). The 'VRoid' stuff should more or less cover the voids in fashion while the other things can be covered as we go along, or through

    I'm not trying to be obnoxious, I'm constantly discovering new things wanting to make note of it, even if I attract lonely morons on Steam forums doing the whole award trolling. If Red51 wants to deny me this avenue then I'll understand, though be disappointed. He's only one person working on the game with helpers on the side. My mindset is I simply want to get the most mileage out of Rising World while doing the most with it. If I see I can mod a game, I shall do so. More so if it can be about things I admire, especially with my friends. I'm willing to attract more folks to this game when it comes to the VRChat and other sort of modding support, something Java version advertised via 'Staticmodels' plugin, among other sorts.

    I'm going to be watching and seeing how Rising World progresses.

  • I'm aware Red51 said what he said about Vroid, VRM, etc. I still have to make note of it with how I'm tuned into the whole VRChat avatar, Booth, and various other sides. If Rising World can tap into SOME elements of what VRChat taps into it'll appeal far better than the overly frustrating Minecraft experience. It'll gain high amounts of traction simply for its customization feature. I'm still waiting on Rising World (not to pressure Red51) for its biome update, even patiently waiting (anticipating) for the time I can command boats (saw my friend play 'Sea of Thieves' with awesome water shaders), and railway, and NPC companions. Everything I see I desire for Rising World. It's a nasty itch I can't cure. We're nearly there to the next updates though.

    Manjuu Japan (those who host made Azur Lane in Japan) recently released a character model for both MMD & VRChat side (using Unity) to which we can freely import a character (based on an IRL ship) into VRChat. This Amagi is based off of the real-world Battlecruiser from the Imperial Japanese Navy from World War 2, just personified. Why? We view ships as feminine, Japan & China both took off with that concept in an anime way. Google up both 'Kantai Collection' and 'Azur Lane'.

    - Default Amagi-Chan world with public avatars.

    My Amagi-chan character I painfully uploaded with a friend's help. He was busy, and probably pissed off at me, even then he was still helpful. I'm thankful for the amount of patience he has with me. The files were messy to the point even a formal tweet noting how they shall re-upload a properly clean file for VRChat's use.

    August 29, 20:00 postscript:
    We have received reports that the data is incomplete and the scope of modification is unknown, and will be uploaded again after corrections are made at a later date. We apologize for the inconvenience, but we would appreciate it if you could wait for the corrected data.

    Yeah, they really screwed that up. Nobody tested it, nor reviewed it. It was insane how much we had to poke in the dark just to get the model to work in its clunky, messy, and incomplete state. I know how to handle it now, special thanks to my friend.

    - VRChat - Amagi-chan using desktop mode camera.

    (If I was in VR mode I could have gotten more out of little Amagi-chan by posting better images.)

    My colour modification of Amagi-chan turning her hair white into a 'Ghost' version. Why? I have a fascination of ice-type entities thanks to Anime. View 'Kitsune', fox spirits in Japan... Arctic Fox... White fur, blue eyes...... Yeah.

    Now, once Rising World reaches this step again (the above image loosely appears to be Rising World-esque) I shall be attempting to import models into Rising World in a similar manner as I had done with VRChat stuff and Rising World's Java 'Static Model' plugin. Even if I have to peeve people off, I will do it one way or another.

    And yes, Red51 (as of the time of this posting) still has to prioritize the main world's Biome update and NPC Update. I understand, and I want him to. I however can't wait for the time to do what I have done in VRChat. Let me import models. Take advantage, maybe sponsorships can happen. Have certain demo worlds host custom models for Rising World. Mining avatars, or even tap into the Japanese market via anime sponsorships. Never know.

    (I've already started importing static models into Rising World Java with Gundam, Pokemon GO, etc. Can't wait for actual NPCS, hence why I'm sharing this hype. Rising World tapping into VRChat stuff would be a goldmine of awesomeness.)

    The friend I peeved off also showed me this plugin for VRChat, something I hope is a natural addition to Rising World. Having NPCs follow you in a similar manner as displayed in this booth page with 'Among us' follower.

    This has been what I've been seeking since the beginning, even before and during Rising World's 2015 era. Just having companions, something I've done in Skyrim and Dragon's Dogma. Having them in an open world is what I'm basically trying to say here.


  • Sorry if I'm rehashing my past few posts, just wanted to note a few things while feeling under the weather. Was shoveling snow today causing me to over-exert myself more than I should have keeping my friends happy while I unintentionally suffer from the after-effects (wet snow from 30-40 cm of snow). Fatigue, exhaustion. Was model building then I fell ill after 6 hours. My vision went blurry (painfully so), stomach pains, headache. Trying to rest now. <X That is both on and off the point, however relevant as to why I'm posting again. That, and Sony/Playstation is a piece of turd destroying games they're affiliated with (Samurai Maiden).

    I was also recently exploring VRChat's VKet stumbling across both new and old stuff I've seen still wishing and desiring to add them into Rising World for when the time comes. Again, I don't want to pressure Red51, I however just want it to be known I can wish and desire things, it's up to Red51 if he wants to entertain my wishes. Maybe I genuinely do want to see what I wish for implemented into VRChat. That's what wishing is. Even a broken clock is right two times a day, maybe my wish can be as correct as a broken clock? Hopefully.

    Again, I'll renote which models I actually want in Rising World to see what Red51 shall surprise me with months down the line. Until then I'll try to stay alive, try to stay in good health, and try to stay under a roof with internet access.

    1) Asteria (As shown before) -

    2) Avro Arrow Striker Leggings -

    3) -Kaya- -

    4) Atelier Alca (Booth) -

    5) Among others.

    I genuinelly stopped in my tracks in absolute shock and surprise. There is NO WAY I should be seeing anything Canadian in VRChat's Vket. Canadians are a "minor nation", we get overlooked in video games for simply being Canadian. I stopped so fast to take pictures it would make your head spin. I took pictures, immediately opened up the store page to find it's free. INSTANT DOWNLOAD! It's now saved, now especially waiting for Rising World function. In Rising World terms I want this unit to allow me to fly around the map using Glider + propelling physics.

    When I saw this Avro Arrow display I thought I was dreaming. Nobody can comprehend the significance of this, I however can. Any other Canadian who wants to connect with their Canadian identity will, and can. I saved this so fast I also want to exploit this in Rising World. I wish I could attach this onto my character to allow me to hover, fly, and even glide.:wow:<3 If I can either fly and hover (or both) then that be as awesome as my genuine surprise seeing this in a store-front display. This is how I want to see Rising World when it comes to customization. Avro Arrow HYPE! PLEASE let me use this in Rising World! :drooling:

    Then there is Booth, Vket, etc, something Red51 can consider selling and affiliating on. Sit on that thought, consider it, etc. It may be for your best benefit.

    I also took the following picture to "try" to use as inspiration in future RW builds. The crazy tower build. Once I recover I'll try my best to replicate it loosely in my own style and manner in my own settlement.

    Two planned avatars I can't wait to add into Rising World, as noted in post #4 & #5.


    In Short: View Post #4 & #5. I'm just in the mood of wanting to import the models I'm using in VRCHat into Rising World, especially as their own NPCs. I saw Red51 was "worried" in another post so I do want to wish him the best in at least seeing how far he goes, if he does want to entertain my wishes. It's all thanks to VRChat's Vket that I'm even noting this. That, and how I was basically peed on by Steam moderation when it came to 'Samurai Maiden' on Steam preventing myself and others from having fun, especially lacking Steam Deck support. Rising World has Steam Deck support, hence why I favour it.

  • Alright, let's keep things simple.

    I noted trains, boats, and even modding stuff. I even proposed a handy swiss-army-knife of a modding tool people could use in the way VRChat & Tower Unite use. Unity SDK, Workshop, etc. Even Valheim & Craftopia using VRoid hubs. Red51 genuinely needs to look into that.

    Aside from that, I have more planned for my world.

    • Park (WIP Status)
    • Warehouse & Workshop
    • Expanding Farm
    • Bridge connecting Port Vilipec & Vathunver
    • Hotel/Hostel
    • Various Apartments
    • Pub/restaurant
    • Fishing warehouse
    • Boat shelter - (Considering; Not started)
    • Polished port lining for Port Pilipec
    • Hospitals & Clinic areas.
    • Shrines
    • Lighthouse
    • Post Office Tower
    • Tango-Yura Museum Train's Museum building.

    I'm sure I can edit whatever else I need into this post, hopefully inspiring others for their own builds in their own worlds. I'm posting this all in good will, even if people have been "weird", to say the least.

    I've lined out a park for my village side, though considering adding a bigger park on the Vathunver side (note the map on first post). Need actual grass to "paint" the dirt in survival mode. I've been making numerous Warehouses & Storage buildings, even some themed in various areas. One in each settlement, or at least on either end of a settlement. One shall even connect to an eventual train station once trains arrive.

    My farms are always expanding and rotating, though with future updates there shall be a whole new massive batch to farm with. Horses, boats, trains, etc are a must to transport around.

    Not completing my bridge on purpose also, waiting on sailing ships. Maybe I should simply finish my bridge with a train set-up in mind. I need to wait on Red51 on this plan. Forget giant sailing boats passing by, I need a train line on my bridge.

    Building one apartment, though more needs to start being built up. I need to build a whole batch of them for potential new NPCs, or at least NPC Dummies reintroduction. Once NPC Companions are a thing I'll have a place to house them. I also need to build various Inns and Hotels for people to stay, IF I vent proper ones who aren't out for blood, betray me, sabotage me, etc, as they have done over fake political garbage. I get pinned with their sins and I hate people for that. It's what they call "projecting", so they project their own sins and guilt onto me. Gaslighting, sabotage, etc. When the time is right I'll be able ot host proper people in my world, and hopefully (mainly) NPCS. As much as people greatly desire it, not everything is my fault, or at all.

    I still have yet to build food courts, restaurants, and food places. I should consider doing so now, and soon. Also hoping we get fridges and freezers to keep food from spoiling. Whatever method prevents food from spoiling is what I'll exploit to its fullest (legally).

    Waiting on fishing to build anything fishing related. Shall all be coastal builds.

    I need to make actual boat shelters. I'm about to make one for a main storage hub connecting to a train station soon. Need to dig out and terraform a major plot of land. Boat shelter shall connect with that. Port lining of Port Pilipec shall be fleshed out & polished as time goes on.

    Hospitals, medical clinics, and medical boxes (like mail boxes) need to be erected for sudden falls and injuries. I already suffered with a broken leg requiring a splint. I need to build more medical boxes along the streets, like phone booths. It's highly recommended for people to make hospitals in their world. 100% a must, and in every settlement. It sucks I'm holding back still.

    Because of my trip to Japan I need to build shrines similar to what I've encountered in Japan. I need to rebuild torii gates, build actual shrines, and even pay respect to them. Also to what people call 'Kitsune', from Inari legends. I also need to build numerous lighthouses, even if light dims out at max setting. Lighting needs to be maxed out to even further away.

    Post office I need to rebuild in my Rising World world after having it built in Minecraft's Arcticu City. Seeing it in Osaka, Japan was a bit surreal. Can't wait to get it rebuild in Rising World's format. The style I had going was more of a top down, not left-to-right window pattern. Maybe I'll just make both in different purposes and styles. (Below image).

    Lastly, I need to attach a museum building next to the Yura train describing the train, even showcasing it via pictures (posters) and signs. This is where Rising World shines and Minecraft fails.


    Once again, I'm trying to be nice, even if people are mean. If you have ideas I'm all up for hearing it. Try your best to place it in list form. If you don't want to respond then that's fine as well. I'll use this as a notepad for myself then. I mean, I'll use this thread as a notepad regardless. :monocle:

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