Blueprint questions

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  • red51 So, when the blueprint update comes out, we can use blueprints made from the Java version, correct?

    Also, if so, will the textures be the same? I am afraid that the new version will replace the textures with others, etc. May I assume that you will make it so this doesn’t happen?

    Also, will there be anyway to make 3D prints from blueprints, since the Engine is now Unity? Or does the Engine matter? If It does not matter, and if it is still possible to 3D print said blueprint(s) could you tell me how or send a referral on instructions of some kind? I’d love to have a 3D model of one of my best builds sitting on my desk 😍

    Thanks! Again, your hard work on this game is greatly appreciated!

  • red51 So, when the blueprint update comes out, we can use blueprints made from the Java version, correct?

    Yes, that is correct ;)

    Also, if so, will the textures be the same? I am afraid that the new version will replace the textures with others, etc. May I assume that you will make it so this doesn’t happen?

    No, unfortunately the textures will not be the same :/ The textures of the Java version wouldn't really fit to the new version (given their low quality) - so even if we add them for reasons of compatibility, that would still look pretty bad...

    Instead the new version will try to pick the most suitable textures from the textures which are already in the game. This will not yield perfect results, but in most cases it should be acceptable.

    Having that said, we will add more textures with future updates, so you could give an old blueprint another try in the future (if the first results are unsatisfying). For this reason it's important to keep a copy of the original blueprint file: Once you load it in the new version (i.e. place it in the blueprint folder of the new version), it will no longer be compatible with the Java version. In other words: It's recommendable to not delete the blueprint from the Java folder, instead just put a copy of that file in the new version blueprint folder).

    Also, will there be anyway to make 3D prints from blueprints, since the Engine is now Unity? Or does the Engine matter? If It does not matter, and if it is still possible to 3D print said blueprint(s) could you tell me how or send a referral on instructions of some kind? I’d love to have a 3D model of one of my best builds sitting on my desk 😍

    Actually the engine doesn't play a role in this regard, but in fact the new version will have an option to export blueprints to .obj (most 3d printer programs should be capable of loading such files). Not sure if this will be already available in the first BP release, but it's on our to-do list ;)

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