My observations thus far playing Unity version, bugs and suggestions

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  • Unity version seems to be running much better! I average 90FPS with maxed out graphic settings now on an older gaming rig (where in the 1st releases were 50FPS average). Nice work red51 !!

    I also love the added sounds e.g new birds chirping etc.


    • Will we eventually be able to hand place blobs of stone/dirt/ore in new version like the old?
    • creative mode - can no longer 1 hit items. takes 2 hits?


    1. add/subtract tool. if set to specific level mode, the grid plain does not show/red collision sections with the ground surface like java version does, making it difficult to determine ground level/height/depth.
    2. area selection tool (F5 then #4) will behave similar as add/subtract tool (will remove or add terrain if you make a selection below or above ground surface and press right click or delete key)
    3. creative toolset (F5) hud text incorrect when toggling the continuous edit tool. (paint, add/subtract and smoothing tools), continuous/single click toggle hud text .. should read 'continuous editing enabled' it rather displays code: 'message.creative.continuousediton'.
    4. input lag when using mouse wheel or keyboard to select a hand slot (1-5) - it can be offsetting and can no longer scroll through fast to other side (from 5 to 1). Java version, hand selection was much faster and would allow you to scroll through to slot 1 (or last slot) without needing to scroll back, also in java, fast hand switching of hand slots and would skip the hand animation if you scrolled fast enough (to prevent loading time lag from animations). I'm very used to the java version and notice this every time I play the Unity version where it seems I can't switch hand slots fast enough. :)
    5. hitbox on small / thin planks can sometimes not register resulting in pickaxe mining terrain or damage to an object behind it.
    6. soccer goals sometimes get destroyed after some time when 2 placed apart facing each other. One will disappear, very intermittent. I suspect from a nearby ground alteration, but cannot easily reproduce. I once destroyed one simply by painting the grass near it .. but then couldn't reproduce every time. One was destroyed when I broke an iron stone about 20 meters away from the goal. Another time making a selection box and clicking inside selection destroyed goal, but this does not happen every time. very random. the one goal that breaks, and the other doesn't, is placed in an area that was flattened into a hill, where land once stood (was part of the hill but now level ground). maybe that can give a clue? I'll test more and see if I can reproduce.
    7. came across an iron boulder that could not be destroyed whilst other boulders could. restart of server corrected it. *Note: Upon breaking this boulder, it triggered the demolition of a soccer goal 20m away.


    • Admin option to make dropped object, or body to NOT despawn and behave like an object instead (creative deco purposes). I know about Settings_ItemDespawnTime=7200 (3hrs) or so, but a way to make this indefinite for only select items to prevent despawn - admins only
    • Areas (F9) -- have option on radial dial to resize areas vs having to delete/remake.
    • A chisel tool, which allows more precise carving and shaping of terrain if possible (for sculptures or more precise terraforming).
    • Leg and arm animations needed in 1st person view. e.g. kicking the soccer ball being able to see legs and feet .. looking down at your feet, walking / running
    • Add ability to punch and show animations of it (fist fights, destroy or push items, gives small damage)
    • Ability to throw (not just drop) .. e.g. throwing stones, a knife, axe (any item in hand)
    • server option to allow for full structural integrity of buildings. 'floaters' kill immersion
    • hot air balloons than can be used :)
    • Physics, love love the physics in game, anything that can be done to improve on it greatly enhances player immersion. e.g. kicking soccerball off center to produce spin
    • More excellent sounds and music! hats off to the music and sound producers. Most excellent work and is key to great immersion. huge ambient music fan here, very soothing.
    • Creative ability to add sound objects to locations e.g. certain song to be played in a building, or sound effect.

    I can go on and on, sorry. :)

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

    Edited once, last by Juggernaut ().

  • Thanks a lot for your feedback :) Glad to hear about the improvement in terms of performance!

    Great screenshot btw! :thumbup:

    Will we eventually be able to hand place blobs of stone/dirt/ore in new version like the old?

    Yes, that's planned :)

    creative mode - can no longer 1 hit items. takes 2 hits?

    This was originally done to prevent elements from being destroyed by accident... I'm not sure if this is still needed, considering there is now an undo command...

    You can enable instant digging for survival mode though, this causes elements to break with a single hit in creative mode. Maybe it's better if we add a separate setting for this :thinking:

    In multiplayer, however, there is a specific creative mode permission available for this: "instantdigging" under "creative"

    add/subtract tool. if set to specific level mode, the grid plain does not show/red collision sections with the ground surface like java version does, making it difficult to determine ground level/height/depth.

    Oh, this is a bug which does only occur in the built game apparently :wat: We will fix that!

    area selection tool (F5 then #4) will behave similar as add/subtract tool (will remove or add terrain if you make a selection below or above ground surface and press right click or delete key)

    It's basically intended that the terrain area tool (F5 -> 4) can both add and remove terrain... it basically works like in the Java version. Or did you mean something else?

    creative toolset (F5) hud text incorrect when toggling the continuous edit tool. (paint, add/subtract and smoothing tools), continuous/single click toggle hud text .. should read 'continuous editing enabled' it rather displays code: 'message.creative.continuousediton'.

    Oh, thanks for letting us know, this will be fixed in the next update :saint:

    input lag when using mouse wheel or keyboard to select a hand slot (1-5)

    Yeah, that's definitely something that needs to be reworked.

    hitbox on small / thin planks can sometimes not register resulting in pickaxe mining terrain or damage to an object behind it.

    Hmm... unfortunately I wasn't able to reproduce this issue... does it happen with blocks, or with thin glass panes (irrespective of their mateiral)?

    soccer goals sometimes get destroyed after some time when 2 placed apart facing each other. One will disappear, very intermittent. I suspect from a nearby ground alteration, but cannot easily reproduce. I once destroyed one simply by painting the grass near it .. but then couldn't reproduce every time

    Was the goal placed on a flat surface, or on uneven terrain? There is actually a bug which causes objects to break in certain situation when placed on a slope, for example.

    came across an iron boulder that could not be destroyed whilst other boulders could. restart of server corrected it. *Note: Upon breaking this boulder, it triggered the demolition of a soccer goal 20m away.

    That seems to be a bug. It was reported by other users as well, but unfortunatly I couldn't reproduce it yet... apparently this only happens in multiplayer... I will take a closer look at this!

    Admin option to make dropped object, or body to NOT despawn and behave like an object instead (creative deco purposes). I know about Settings_ItemDespawnTime=7200 (3hrs) or so, but a way to make this indefinite for only select items to prevent despawn - admins only

    Actually we want to introduce a way to place items persistently in the world ;) This wouldn't work for dead bodies though (currently they don't get stored in the world database)...

    Areas (F9) -- have option on radial dial to resize areas vs having to delete/remake.

    This is on our to-do-list :)

    Leg and arm animations needed in 1st person view. e.g. kicking the soccer ball being able to see legs and feet .. looking down at your feet, walking / running

    It's planned, but unfortunately this has a low priority at the moment :/

    Add ability to punch and show animations of it (fist fights, destroy or push items, gives small damage)

    Maybe it's not a bad idea to implement something like that... we will take that into consideration! :)

    server option to allow for full structural integrity of buildings. 'floaters' kill immersion

    Well, this is a bit tricky unfortunately :saint: It's computationally expensive to find out whether or not an element has contact with the ground, especially when lots of construction elements are used (e.g. buildings consisting of thousands or even tens or hundreds of thousands of elements)...

    Maybe we will add something like that in the long run, but for now I'd prefer to put it on the back burner ^^

    hot air balloons than can be used :)

    This is planned, but unfortuantely I have no ETA for that feature... first we have to implement a few other vehicles and boats :D

    More excellent sounds and music! hats off to the music and sound producers. Most excellent work and is key to great immersion. huge ambient music fan here, very soothing.

    Thanks, the credits go to waveshapr (who is responsible for our sounds and music) :) :thumbup:

    Creative ability to add sound objects to locations e.g. certain song to be played in a building, or sound effect.

    One thing we definitely want to make available is our jukebox plugin (once the plugin API is ready) ^^

  • Quote

    Was the goal placed on a flat surface, or on uneven terrain? There is actually a bug which causes objects to break in certain situation when placed on a slope, for example.

    yes on flat surface. see screenshot, the goal that is placed on flat ground near where the edge of the hill was flattened is the one that break the most. either by painting (occasionally) or ground alterations 10+ meters away. also *Note: Upon breaking this iron boulder (boulder after restart), it triggered the demolition of a soccer goal 20m away (the one furthest away in the screenshot. Seems that goals have a sensitivity to ground alterations if they are placed on newly flattened terrain which was once 1-5 blocks higher in depth originally. I can easily reproduce, but not one specific thing with do it. sometimes painting ground near by, or breaking a boulder .. will suddenly cause goal to break even if its 10+ meters away .. strange one

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

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