Unity Rebuilt Questions

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  • Hi red51

    A few questions when you have time.

    Q.1. Hostile humanoid NPCs. Is the aim to bring back hostile humanoid NPCs in the same form as the existing ones? By this I mean the variants that are currently used. (E.g. Bandit with bow, skeleton with armour). I guess what I am getting at here is, are they going to be an exact replica (from an API point of view) or are they going to change?

    Q.2. Ore. Are the ores going to stay the same, or are there going to be more variants / removal of certain ores (E.g. no longer any mithril reintroduction of cobalt?).

    Q.3. Diamonds. I'm sure(?) I have read somewhere that you intend to add diamonds to the game. Is this going to be added as an additional ore (from an API call point of view). And if so, are you planning on adding any others and will these be released with the world generation update that includes other ores? Or, is this a long term objective and won't be implemented yet.

    Q4. Final question, will weather still remain global, or will localised weather be possible?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Q.1. Hostile humanoid NPCs. Is the aim to bring back hostile humanoid NPCs in the same form as the existing ones? By this I mean the variants that are currently used. (E.g. Bandit with bow, skeleton with armour). I guess what I am getting at here is, are they going to be an exact replica (from an API point of view) or are they going to change?

    Well, that's a good question :D Do you mostly refer to the API calls which take the variant id (e.g. "spawnNpc()")? Variants will probably be mostly the same (but I can't say for sure, it depends on the actual items and clothes we're going to add to the game), but maybe NPCs will get new type IDs (which are also relevant when using the "spawnNpc()" API-method)...

    Q.2. Ore. Are the ores going to stay the same, or are there going to be more variants / removal of certain ores (E.g. no longer any mithril reintroduction of cobalt?).

    We only want to introduce ores which will actually be useful for the player, or more precisely, we only want to add ores that are required for crafting ^^ Otherwise it's can be a bit frustrating for players if they find a new ore, but there is nothing they can do with it.

    Once we have some proper items that can be made out of cobalt or mithril, we would actually reintroduce these ores :)

    Q.3. Diamonds. I'm sure(?) I have read somewhere that you intend to add diamonds to the game. Is this going to be added as an additional ore (from an API call point of view). And if so, are you planning on adding any others and will these be released with the world generation update that includes other ores? Or, is this a long term objective and won't be implemented yet.

    Yes, we have plans for gems and diamonds. They will be added as separate items, so they're not part of the terrain (and therefore they won't be considered ore). But this won't be part of the world generation update unfortunately, so it's rather a long term objective :saint:

    Q4. Final question, will weather still remain global, or will localised weather be possible?

    Probably there won't be local weather for the time being :( Biomes will have an impact on the global weather though (similar to how it worked in the Java version), e.g. rain will turn into snow in cold biomes and will be absent in deserts.

  • Do you mostly refer to the API calls which take the variant id

    Yep, I'm just trying to figure out exactly how far I can take my plugin rebuild before the new API release. If it's just a matter of tweaking some ID numbers I should be safe to crack on.

    Once we have some proper items that can be made out of cobalt or mithril, we would actually reintroduce these ores

    Ah so this is useful information - no mithril. 👍

    It would be super nice if we could, from a server setup point of view, add custom ores when first creating a server. ^^

    I guess the process would be something like...

    1. Add custom ore (reporting back on unique id)

    2. Specify name

    3. Pick a texture from existing ores

    4. Use a colour scale to change appearance

    5. Set availability (distribution of ore)

    Probably a pipe dream...

    so it's rather a long term objective

    I'll continue coding my gemstones then 8):thumbup:

    Probably there won't be local weather for the time being

    Fair enough, probably causes unnecessary complexity with little reward.

    Thanks for your time :thumbup:

  • Yep, I'm just trying to figure out exactly how far I can take my plugin rebuild before the new API release. If it's just a matter of tweaking some ID numbers I should be safe to crack on.

    Yeah, the spawnNpc() methods and the Npc class will mostly stay identical :)

    I agree that having a way to add custom ores would be great 8):thumbup:

    We still need some sort of pipeline to load custom elements (like custom plants, animals, items, but also things like ores maybe). We need to think about a proper abstraction for this... unfortunately I can't say much about that at this stage :silenced:

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