"Marv" The Middle-Management Ogre

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  • Often times, in sandbox style games (or even most games really) we can associate them to a genre or time period of sorts... sci-fi, fantasy, futuristic, mid-evil... you get the idea. Rising World has a combination of both modern and, well, non-modern elements. I understand (from something I just read) that the intention is to eventually have to work your way up from low to high tech, but I imagine even then the transition from one end to the other will not likely take very long. As such, I also imagine the elements will remain very mixed during final gameplay.

    I have been playing the game for a few weeks now, and this disparity seems to be holding me back from becoming fully engrossed in the building aspect of the game - something I get really hooked into in most games.

    Don't get me wrong, I enjoy it a lot and it won't stop me from playing - I just think about it more than is likely intended.

    In another thread here on the forums, there was discussion about what kinds of threats (monsters vs realistic/natural threats) people wanted to see, and it is because of the things I mentioned above, I found myself not being able to answer the question. But that's when I had an idea (that may or may not be original around here)...

    What if the game embraced this disparity and carried into every aspect of the game?

    My (albeit very minor) hang up right now is that if you tell me "there will be monsters" I look at the office building I made and think... should I have built a castle instead? If you tell me it's only natural threats (wild boars, bears, etc) then I think... do I just need a fence? Why is my office building being threatened by bears?

    But what if you said, "Rising World is a world that has suffered an unknown calamity. One that has brought things old and new together... it's merged fantasy and reality. In other words, what made sense no longer does.

    If I think of the game this way, I can start to imagine creatures that might be interesting to see in the world - creatures that are well suited to the "theme" I have found myself experiencing.

    Strange, but fun

    In this scenario, I could imagine some strange creatures - after all, Minecraft had Creepers. Here's some quick off-the-top-of-my-head ideas...

    • Rust Beavers (they invade your structures, eating anything made from metal)
    • Middle-Management Ogres (they club you to death with rolled up status reports)
    • Air Guitar Goblins (assaulting your ears with sonic waves from their invisible guitars, even through walls)
    • Carl (just a mailman - seriously, he just shows up every once in a while and wanders around a bit before leaving)

    Yea, I'm aware this is random

    Anyway, this was more of a thought exercise for me - what would it take for me to look at the game (as it currently stands) and say, "Ahhh... I get it". I fully understand this will not (likely) be in-line with the goals of the devs, or even the desires of most people - again, it was more for fun, thinking out loud. If nothing else, maybe it got you thinking a little... or elicited a chuckle ;)


    Note @ZaCormyr - this (above) is the thread I mentioned I was about to make

  • A nice chuckle to be had. :)

    Those 'Rust Beavers' sound awesome. Rimworld? They should wander in from an overly dense forest zone to eat the metals you mentioned. All those iron gates and such. If one wants to be all "green" over them they could try building stone walls to lock them out, or keep them contains, if humanly.

    • Copy Cat Gobu - A humanoid entity that would sometimes be found stalking the player, if from a distance, while mimicking his or her her playstyle within 5-10 minutes of observation. Would try and use the most used object it has observed in a similar use to what the player had done moments ago. It shall attempt to loosely mimic building small-scaled structures loosely copying that of the player while also using whatever materials gained on hand (randomly spawned into inventory, 20% matching the players). If provoked (as in attacked) it would immediately find itself overly intelligent (flight or fight reaction)and attack the player as intelligently as it could at that moment. Best to drag it out with a food in hand, or similar.
    • Monument Wap - Every full moon (if this game has a full moon) should find ourselves encountering a "Wap" building a simplistic monument to the sky gods, the moon in this case. You'd see this unearthly being building what a player could in 5 minutes in very remote areas. Any flat area with a clear sight to the moon, it'll be there in untouched biomes. (How to calculate that? I don't know.) The size of these 'monuments' ranging from a few blocks to as large as whatever can be built in 5-10 minutes in time. One be building, maybe another be praying as it's being built.
    • Pee-Paw Flyer - Just a random prankster 'bird' that that you may encounter every now and again. A giant bird that has the same intelligence as a Crow & Raven that can drop items it has picked up in the vicinity to drop on players. It has learned how to dodge player bullets so killing it shall become quite a task at hand, even for its massive size. It's quite a speedy giant bird. How big? The biggest Crow or Raven we have discovered, or combine the two in size to get one. It's simply best to make friends by giving it the occasional fish instead of getting your head clobbered by the occasional falling rock it has dug out with it's overly powerful pecker. Best to make an alter with a fish offering as to not from dive-bombing attacks, or drop attacks. Similar to your thirst & hunger, keeping it 'fed' daily is a more sure way of keeping it at bay. Setting up a daily offering (one piece of fish should do) should be ideal for these tricksters of a bird. A bird shrine is something one might find themselves building in hopes of taming these elusive bastards, even with guns in hands. (Giving them anything from salmon, shrimp, oysters, clams, and anything aquatic in nature should be enough.)

    How's that? I'd be amused if these were now listed as planned and inserted. The first two are in one way or another loosely tied to the Enderman. The bird one? Just for the hell of it because we need a trickster bird in the sky to populate it. We need a hostile mob that we can 'please' through daily fish offerings to our flying bird-trickster 'gods' heh.....Speaking of wanting....I want this bird actually. I want this pesky bugger to harass the player in the actual RW maps so you'd be force to fish them an offering. Things like salmon, shrimp, oysters, clams and all that heh.

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