Arcticu's Blueprint Archive

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  • Better late than ever, I shall begin sharing my various random blueprints in this thread.


    - Simplistic Jukebox:
    (Works best in Java with a music plugin, able to be used in Unity version; Missing a poster element.)



    (Note: Works best with any music plugins. Simply attach necessary object/code/plugin to apply music to Jukebox.)


    - Arcticu's Basic Train station (Unity):

    (Unity version: A rebuild of a simplistic Minecraft train station doubling as shelter. Use it for whatever you desire, just make sure to upscale it to player's scale and to replace the door. You can't pass the door.)



    (Warning! Make sure to scale the build up to player's scale; Replace the door to player's scale upon scale-up. This was a haste-build simply to respect the past.)


    - Arcticu's Arctic Base (Beta Minecraft Rebuild):

    (Unity version. A rebuild of my Minecraft beta version of my base in the arctic biome. Should contain basic crafting stations, a basic furnace, many storage chests, and a bed. Can be modified however you desire for your Rising World needs, just be wary of misplaced torches from a wonky grid system. Used mainly basic appearing materials to replicate that Minecraft vibe. Missing my bookshelf, cake, table, chairs, among other lost luxuries.)




    (Starting small, going more detailed as I get used to the newer, if slightly wonkier, building system. Refuses to allow me to build properly.)

  • Converted Java blueprints into Unity. It all works, minus a few poster elements, doors, and other missing PNB elements (a few).


    - Arcticu Valley - Collection 1 (Java to Unity):

    (Missing doors, posters, and 'some' PNB elements.)

    Post contains:

    1) Arcticu Garden (mini-park), Canadian 50's Diner, Canadian Tower (Celebrating Canada's 150's birthday; 2017ish), Fishing House, Fishing hut, Kitsu Tower, Logging Cabin, & StampedSteel Factory. Does not contain furniture, certain PNB elements, nor poster elements.))


    - Arcticu Mini-Park (Garden):

    A basic garden found in the desert. Contains the layout, however missing the various plant life. Requires the player to plant their own vegetation and outdoor gear into this garden-park area.

    (Warning!: Belatedly discovered the grass turned into a different material (Loam?). Needs to be converted back into grass.)




    - Canadian 50's Diner:

    A diner inspired by retro diners from the 1950's in the old retro American style, yet themed to Canada's style. Held food in my Java version, now for use in Unity version. Desert Settlement required a food storage and eating area.




    - Canadian Tower - Celebrating Canada's 150:

    A Canadian tower built to celebrate Canada's 150-155th birthday at the time of construction (between 2016-2018). It's also roughly 9 floors tall with a viewing platform out on top. Each floor was themed for something Canadian, such as an office space with Canadian WW2 ships in it, or planned Canadian things. Thanks to how blueprints work many of its charms have been lost needing to be repopulated again in the Unity version.

    Contains an ancient/Medieval wall around the tower with a decently sized courtyard. The heavy fencing around the wall allows for Java mounts to travel, though unsure about Unity mounts for when they're introduced. The many holes along the outer-edges were supposed to contain grates, now missing thanks to blueprinting. The courtyard can grow whatever tree you desire, or even custom flagpoles.



    (Note: Tower's walls have been found to be incomplete from survival gameplay. You can find updated Unity version in the below posts)


    - Fishing House & Fishing Hut:

    A fishing house (for smelting & resting purposes) paired with a fishing hut (for shelter and storing loot). Populate both however you desire.





    - Kitsu Tower:

    A tower themed to the desert with 9 floors paying homage/respect to Japanese's 9-tailed Kitsune messengers. 9 floors for various needs, and an extra mini-tower for residence, eating, and relaxing. All desert themed using sandstone in survival mode. Simple, yet effective. (The main cafeteria contains a jukebox blueprinted in previous posting and a water drinking area)




    - Logging Cabin:

    An inner-settlement oriented around logging, storing lumber and dealing with them. All you lumber needs.

    > Blueprint:



    - StampedSteel's Factory:

    A factory built in tribute to a VRChat friend, a frequent Twitch viewer while also hoping to make use of one of Red51's plugin examples. As of this posting he has been MIA for a very long while making me fear for his safety and health. He went into radio silence after an overly drunk dramatic outburst on social media. This factory dedicated to him was supposed to produce 'Candy' for an inside joke/reference. Never got plugin working while others greedily held onto the secrets of creating their own items. I'm still peeved with people on this forum about that, never helping me creating own items. Shall hopefully see use in Unity once it returns to speed all around, especially plugin related.

    > Blueprint:


  • - Picture Post:

    (No blueprints in this post, only examples)

    Sharing a few more images, something I was unable to share above. I had to clean up a few typo edits and even embarrassingly edit my proudest build, the Canadian Tower into the description. It's now there. To those who have downloaded my builds, thank you. I shall be archiving more as we go along. They're simple builds, though Kitsu Tower & Canadian Tower being my more complex ones. Even an upcoming outpost built as a fort shall be shared.

    (Note: No Blueprints in this post. Only preview images showing off my simplistic builds further.)


    - StampedSteel's Candy Factory:

    (Java) - Outside, + the StampedSteel's Gear icon.

    (Unity) - (inside)


    - Canadian Tower - Celebrating Canada's 150-155th(?) (Canada Day):

    (Unity) - Lights are placeholder, just for personal demonstration. Contains a water drinking area in far corner.

    (Unity) - Tourist Sign boards, missing posters.

    - (Unity) - 3rd Floor containing "offices", originally with Canadian WW2 ships hung up and desk present.

    (Unity) - Your average floor (contains Jukebox; Needs music plugin).

    (Unity) - Exterior walls needing metallic walls. Certain pathways should be enterable while others not so much.

    (Unity) - Example of how to plant trees in courtyard. Those circle voids are for tree life.


    Sharing these in hype of the upcoming September-October 2022 update. I also want to share off my pride builds, ones I spent hours upon hours on. Shall also help me recover these builds if there are any computer failures of any sort, even for Steam Deck purposes.

  • This post contains Blueprints.


    - (Java/Unity) Fishing "House":

    A "house" (more like a spot to cook and eat) created to store various fish, cook them, and just chill. A few elements are missing, though touchups may be necessary here and there. Not tied to any settlement, mainly a random building out in the middle of nowhere near a body of water.




    - (Java/Unity) - Medieval Fishing (Dungeon):

    This fishing 'hut' is dedicated to purely cooking and handling fish. It was located at an ocean-side harbour dealing with cooking fish up into a nice tasty treat. As for the 'dungeon' attached to the name? It's a part of my 'Dungeon town', a touristy area with a surface dungeon still sticking out of the ground. A few decorative elements have gone missing on the sides. A few tweaks may be necessary to handle new player height.




    - (Java/Unity) - Medieval Home (Dungeon):

    A building I've built dedicated to the surface dungeon, hence the (Dungeon) tag in its name. Part of my surface dungeon town, also being mostly built out of 'PNB' elements. It has three floors: The foundation area, the living area (with two rooms), and an attic. This building pushed my PNB skills to the limit forcing me to curse and vent when I first had to deal with PNB. It was a painfully rewarding experience. Certain things were not going my way making me love this structure all that much more. No pain, no gain.

    A ladder to the attic is required, as with a few tweaks for your own personal tastes.

    - Main Floor (For crafting stations, etc)

    - Second Floor (room 1). Also missing banisters and a ladder.

    - Room 2 - Bed frame to hold a futon.

    - The attic.

    > Blueprint:



    A few flaws have been spotted after the fact... They appeared fine at a glance, though the more I examined each blueprint the more flaws I've noticed. My bad.

    The 'Arcticu Garden (Park)' blueprint requires grass blocks in a future update. The loam needs to be swapped back into a grass block. It shall be re-uploaded for when the necessary materials are re-obtained.

    A few incomplete sections have been spotted with the Canadian Tower. I won't remove the blueprint (same with the garden), I however will upload a more complete Unity blueprint at a later date. I'll keep the blueprints for people to fiddle with. I know I missed areas, I already filled them up on my side. I'm also having to relearn how to use the new PNB system desiring to get rods out of cylinder shapes. Once I figure that out then I'll reupload any updated blueprints. Feel free to fill in areas you see incomplete, or alter it. Just don't claim it as my own.

    I'm very proud of my Canadian Tower, and same with Kitsu Tower. Treat those with respect. Going to spend time cleaning up my other blueprints.

  • This post contains Blueprints.


    - (Java/Unity) - Medieval Smelt (Dungeon):

    A sheltered hut type structure to deal with smelting needs. This structure is also a part of my surface dungeon town, now here for sharing. Each side able to hold giant smelters, middle sections able to contain chests. A few tweaks may be necessary for Unity side to deal with new player size. May have to scale up the building by a fair amount, or simply widen it, or tweak it. Built in Java.




    - (Java/Unity) - Fishing Hut/Shelter:

    Just a very simplistic tent-like shelter to handle your chests, barrels, and other basic storage areas to handle fish. That, or you can place your bed, etc.




    - (Java/Unity) - Medieval Tower (Dungeon):

    A rough appearing log tower belonging to my surface dungeon town, one to view the surrounding area. This tower caused Java's PNB to glitch out with logs sticking out, etc. It's mainly complete, though may require a few touch ups to the user's tastes (very few elements gone missing). Recommended to scale the size to 1.15 for Unity, though kept as is for Java side. Have to crouch when you reach the top stairway portion.

    (Original on the right, scaled up 1.15 on left.)




    Enjoy. I'll slow down my posting here on out to polish up my more detailed builds. Have fun o7

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