Crafting Multiple Items

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  • It doesn't seem as if shift+click or ctrl+click for creating say 10 or 100 of an item is available when crafting - is this a possibility as it's quicker and less hit and miss than holding down the +/- buttons?

  • Do you mean that shift+click on an item should set the count to 10 or 100 directly? Or do you want the item to be crafted instantly via shift+click (without having to hit the "Craft" button)?

    One thing that could be quite handy would be shift+click on the +/- buttons incrementing/decrementing the count in intervals of 10 (regardless of how shift+click on the item should be treated) :)

  • One thing that could be quite handy would be shift+click on the +/- buttons incrementing/decrementing the count in intervals of 10 (regardless of how shift+click on the item should be treated) :)

    This. Lots of games implement similar schemes - shift or control while clicking on the +/- buttons adds or subtracts 10 or 100 to the required amount. Adding more than can be made from materials in inventory is equivalent to clicking 'max'.

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