Stairs and ladder bugs

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  • Sometimes you have to use the up key to go down ladders and visa-versa. Very hard when you go up a ladder in a mine with the down key, only to reach the top of the ladder and then instantly jump off the ladder and fall to your doom. ;(

    If you manually place stairs (using the default sized stair block), I guess they must be off by a fraction of a millimetre. You have to use the space (jump) to walk up the stairscase. Otherwise you get stuck.

    Overall, though loving it :wow:

  • Basically the move direction depends on your view direction. If you're facing towards the ladder, you can climb the ladder up with the up key, and climb it down with the down key. If you're facing away from it, however, you will climb down by pressing up (i.e. "forward"), and up by press down (i.e. "backward") ^^

    Alternatively the jump key can always be used to climb the ladder up, and the crouch key to climb it down.

    However, ladder climbing gets a bit more difficult if ladders are tilted, for example. This is something that still needs some tweaks :D

    But if you're experiencing climbing issues in situations where the ladder is not tilted, maybe post a screenshot of that ladder ^^

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