Great Job! A few bugs we've found so far..

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  • Mad respect for all your hard work. Wife, kids and myself have been digging holes since you dropped the world generation update and having a blast. A few things we've experienced/noticed:
    ~ If multiple people are in chests one person closing theirs will close all chests open

    ~ If in your inventory and someone closes a chest it closes your inventory as well

    ~ If you die you are unable to claim your gear from your body

    We will continue to document. Can video capture as well if needed. Thanks again for all y'alls hard work.


  • Thank you so much for your feedback and your kind words, I'm glad to hear that :)

    About the issues you've mentioned, the chest and inventory issue in multiplayer is on on our to-do list :saint: It requires a few bigger changes, so maybe it will be fixed with the upcoming NPC update (or shortly after the NPC update)^^

    Getting loot back from a dead body is also on our to-do list :D

  • Thank you for always being approachable. ;) Texas has your back. Great work here. In the mean time is there a way to change permissions to keep inventory for the children. :D Have a great weekend!

  • yahwho Thank you for your reply. I attempted changing that but my server still loads with the following in the logs with all users not having keep inventory enabled:

    Check world version:

    Load world 'New Beginnings' (SQLite)

    [WARNING] [22:20:59] No permissions folder found!

    [WARNING] [22:20:59] No default permission found!

    SQLite version: 3.27.2

    Thanks in advance for any insight. :D

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