Welcome to Fertile Lands! Come Check out our new server, largely undiscovered! Stake your claim now! U.S. Chicago Based Dedicated

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  • NEW SERVER, UNITY, NEW SEED, Largely Undiscovered In Multiplayer it's called Fertile Lands. Would love for you to take a look at our new server! We have it hosted in Chicago. Our group is a fun group of players that plans to support the Rising World Community. We have added some Quality of Life changes to the server and also will help you get settled in (if you want) as a new person in our server. Welcome to join our Discord when playing as well. It is setup for both PvE and PvP however we aren't emphasizing either at the moment. Look for events in the future and as the community grows! We will secure your area you settle into (upon request )so that your hard work doesn't get treaded on by others! If your looking for fun, a place to play this game and many others, check us out.

  • As someone who JUST got started playing on a server, I am a noob. Though I have played many hours of RW in single player. I have a noob question what does PvE and PVP mean? I assumed, PvP is Player vs. Player, and PVE is Player vs Environment?

    I have a strict non-violence rule for my game play, which I realize doesn't make me a much of a gamer, but we have enough violence in the real world, and I get to make the rules in my game world. So.... in that respect what's your server like?

    (I have no problems with hunting for food—though I'd do it with a bow. But I'd rather run than fight.). ;)

  • I have a noob question what does PvE and PVP mean? I assumed, PvP is Player vs. Player, and PVE is Player vs Environment?

    Yes, this is exactly what the abbreviations mean.

    I have a strict non-violence rule for my game play, which I realize doesn't make me a much of a gamer, but we have enough violence in the real world

    You used exactly the words which I have in mind myself. Thank you very much for it :D

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