API Changelog

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Plugin API (2023-04-23):

    • [New] SQLite and MySQL database support
    • [New] Chunk and ChunkPart classes to access chunk data
    • [New] World.getChunk()
    • [New] World.getChunkPart()
    • [New] World.setTerrainData()
    • [New] World.setTerrainDataInArea()
    • [New] World.setTerrainDataInRadius()
    • [New] World.executeWorldEditBatch() (see WorldEditBatch class)
    • [New] Player.showLocationTicker()
    • [New] Player.hasHealedBones()
    • [New] Player.getState() (see new Player.State enum)
    • [New] Player.getBreath() and Player.setBreath()
    • [New] PlayerHitConstructionEvent/PlayerHitObjectEvent/PlayerHitVegetationEvent.setDamage()
    • [New] Event: SkipNightEvent
    • [New] Event: PlayerCreateAreaEvent
    • [New] Event: PlayerLocationTickerEvent
    • [New] Event: PlayerChangeStateEvent
    • [Change] You can reuse UI Style objects for Internals.overwriteUIStyle() now
    • [Change] Removed Weather enum (use WeatherDefs instead)
    • [Change] Removed Player.isPlayingPiano() (use "Player.getState() == Player.State.Piano" instead)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed PlayerKeyEvent not being triggered in multiplayer
    • [Bugfix] Fixed other plugins not being accessible via getPluginByName() etc.
    • [Bugfix] Server.getOption() now also works in singleplayer
    • [Bugfix] Fixed Server.getType()
    • [Bugfix] Fixed Player.getStamina()

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