Unity Version - ptBR Translation

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Venho por meio desta mensagem convocar a todos que possuírem algum conhecimento em português brasileiro e inglês, para auxiliar na tradução/revisão da versão Unity do jogo para Português Brasileiro. Para maiores informações, basta verificar o github no link abaixo.


    ## Translation progress

    Translation 60% concluded.
    0% reviewed and approved by third parties.

    Updated in 2024-02-06. Updated based on version released on 2024-02-06.

  • Unity Considerations

    # Fix Needed

    - The game searches for "ui.settings.graphics.tooltips.refractions" but the term is saved as "ui.settings.graphics.tooltips.refraction" in the original translation files, already adjusted in the version I'm working on.

    - The term "ui.settings.graphics.tooltips.maxdebris" exist in game, but this tooltip does not appear.

    # Sugestions

    - Include an icon that identifies which terms have a tooltip with information since, for some reason, the tooltip does not always appear when hovering the mouse over the terms.

    # Doubts

    - Some existing terms in the translation file are not used in version, will these settings be implemented in future versions or are they obsolete terms?









  • - The game searches for "ui.settings.graphics.tooltips.refractions" but the term is saved as "ui.settings.graphics.tooltips.refraction" in the original translation files, already adjusted in the version I'm working on.
    - The term "ui.settings.graphics.tooltips.maxdebris" exist in game, but this tooltip does not appear.

    Thanks for letting us know :) We'll change that with the next update!

    - Include an icon that identifies which terms have a tooltip with information since, for some reason, the tooltip does not always appear when hovering the mouse over the terms.

    Well, at the end of the day, we basically want tooltips for every setting anyway ^^

    - Some existing terms in the translation file are not used in version, will these settings be implemented in future versions or are they obsolete terms?

    I can't say for sure if all these settings will be implemented eventually. Some of them are not exposed to the settings menu yet (only accessible through the config.properties file), so the translation is not used for them atm... but this may change in the future. The translation files also contain some keys for features which are not yet implemented... once it's clear that a key definitely won't be used anymore, we usually remove it immediately ;)

  • Unfortunately the pt-BR translation is still incomplete and its progress was stopped for a while, but at least the current version on github is already updated to version 0.6.7, containing all the new strings.

  • Unity 0.6.7 Considerations

    # Fix Needed??

    ## Does not seem to work

    ui.help.items.bow aim... because when the bow is in hand the helper does not appear indicating that it is possible to aim.

    ui.help.items.torch.unlight... since when the torch is lit this helper does not appear indicating that it is possible to unlight.

    ## Not used

    Even though no image has been uploaded for use in the poster, the messages below never appear.



    ## Fast? Or not used?

    ui.poster.uploadindicator ... it never appears, but in my case it could be because the upload is too fast and there is no need for a loading message.

    ## Sugestions

    When eating a Baked Meat the game takes advantage of the message.consume.steak, wouldn't it be better to create a specific message to maintain the default?? (menssage.consume.steakbaked)

    ## Not Translated
    On the image upload screen it looks like the "Select" and "Close" buttons don't have a string available for translation.

  • ## Does not seem to work

    We weren't unsure about whether or not these messages are really necessary. We'll add the bow hint with the upcoming hotfix, but still unsure if that's a good idea ^^

    ## Not used

    Yeah, unfortunately they're still unused, but this may change in the future^^

    ## Fast? Or not used?

    The upload indicator only shows up after a few seconds. In singleplayer, that's almost never the case :D

    ## Sugestions

    Most likely we'll add a separate translation for the baked steak ;)

    ## Not Translated

    Oh, thanks for letting us know, this will be changed with the upcoming hotfix :)

  • #Sugestion

    Ore Detector Ui helper indicate that "Mouse Left" changes the ore target... but the same also happens with Mouse Right...

    the same happens with animal gutting action that indicates Mouse Left but also works with Mouse Right... I don't think this is a problem, but maybe it could just change to Mouse Click on the message or maybe quote both buttons.

  • There is no string to translate this message in language file.


    The gamemode string is not applied to this item... In pt-br, Survival would be replaced by Survival.


    On the Rename world screen, when entering an invalid name ($%), the game should call "message.mainmenu.sp.worldnameinvalid" or change string in the translation file from "worldnameinvalid" to "worldexistsorinvalidname". Just in case, I created this new string and translated it into the PT-BR version.


    I noticed that on the world creation screen, when creating a world with an already used or invalid name, it doesn't allow me to proceed (which is correct), but it doesn't show any error message (messages which already exists and could be applied). I don't know if It was supposed to be like that, but just to let you know.


  • Thanks for bringing this to our attention jackobrian , we will fix that with the next update :)

    There is no string to translate this message in language file.

    Unfortunately you can't translate this message because the game receives it from our server :/

    I know it has nothing to do with the PT-BR translation, but I believe that none of these words have a hyphen ( \\u00AD ) in English Translation.

    Oh, actually the \u00AD character is a soft-hyphen. It just indicates a possible hyphenation position. More precisely, it tells the game where it is valid to break up a word. For instance, if "Sledgehammer" is too long for a label and we don't provide the soft hyphen character, the game may end up writing "Sledgehamm-er" or "Slegeham-mer" or something like that. If the word is "Sledge\u00ADhammer" instead, it will still be shown as "Sledgehammer", but if the word doesn't fit, the game turns it into "Sledge-hammer" ;)

  • Oh, actually the \u00AD character is a soft-hyphen. It just indicates a possible hyphenation position. More precisely, it tells the game where it is valid to break up a word. For instance, if "Sledgehammer" is too long for a label and we don't provide the soft hyphen character, the game may end up writing "Sledgehamm-er" or "Slegeham-mer" or something like that. If the word is "Sledge\u00ADhammer" instead, it will still be shown as "Sledgehammer", but if the word doesn't fit, the game turns it into "Sledge-hammer"

    I understand about the "soft-hyphen", so I think I have to change my translations to real hyphens XD.

  • This is more or less intended... it happens in the English or German translation as well. The label is slightly bigger than the icon because we try to reduce line breaks if possible. The reason is that some item names are quite long and would possibly result in more than one line break. This is what it would look like if the label isn't bigger than the icon (right image):

    It's probably debatable which one is better... IMHO it's not so nice if the label covers half of the icon. And in addition to that, the issue on the left image is only visible if you actually select the icon with your cursor.

    This is indeed a bit problematic... we'll see if we can make the right part of the crafting menu bigger :thinking:

  • When translating the keyboard control configuration screen, I identified that the game does not identify the keyboard layout correctly.

    Thanks for the video :thumbup: Basically this is related to how Unitys new input system works: key input is always based on default US QWERTY layout. More precisely, keys are identified by physical location, not by the character that is actually printed on screen.
    Handling it this way makes a few things easier, but it's unfortunately confusing when creating translations for the game... but for the German localization, for example, we simply override the translation text for the original QWERTY key (on a QWERTY keyboard, the key next to L is "semicolon", but on a German QWERTZ layout, the key is "Ö"). So the localization key input.keyboard.semicolon is "Semicolon" in English and "Ö" in German (and for the Brasil localization, you could just set it to "Ç").

    This may still cause trouble in a few rare cases, e.g. if someone uses a different keyboard layout (for instance, a German user who's using an US keyboard), so maybe we will change that in the future.

    Is there a website to create bug tickets for Rising World? Or do I continue posting here on the forum?

    There is no public bug tracker, so it's ok if you continue posting on the forums ;) For specific issues which are hard to describe or if you experience any weird game behaviour, you could also use the "report" feature of the game (just type "report" into console) - but for smaller issues which are easy to describe (e.g. wrong localizations), it's better to just create a post in the forums^^

    There is no string to translate this text on the audio settings screen.

    It's indeed a hard-coded text.. basically it's just there for reasons of copyright ^^

    There don't seem to be any strings for translating the commands.

    Most texts related to console commands are also hard-coded unfortunately... this is something we want to change in the long run, but unfortunately I have no ETA for that yet...

  • Thanks for the video :thumbup: Basically this is related to how Unitys new input system works: key input is always based on default US QWERTY layout. More precisely, keys are identified by physical location, not by the character that is actually printed on screen.
    Handling it this way makes a few things easier, but it's unfortunately confusing when creating translations for the game... but for the German localization, for example, we simply override the translation text for the original QWERTY key (on a QWERTY keyboard, the key next to L is "semicolon", but on a German QWERTZ layout, the key is "Ö"). So the localization key input.keyboard.semicolon is "Semicolon" in English and "Ö" in German (and for the Brasil localization, you could just set it to "Ç").

    This may still cause trouble in a few rare cases, e.g. if someone uses a different keyboard layout (for instance, a German user who's using an US keyboard), so maybe we will change that in the future.

    Here in Brazil, the most common is ABNT2... but it can vary depending on whether it is a notebook, desktop, or even a MAC OS imported from the USA, for example. Switching to the keys that seem correct here to me can cause problems as they are already technically wrong for me as they are.

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