Photogrammetry, Unity, & Minecraft/Rising World

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  • When people are overly passionate and creative we really do obtain the greatest of things. I'm sharing this video because it also applies strongly to Rising World in various ways.

    An Ultra REALISTIC Map inside Minecraft | Photogrammetry + Graphics, Mods, Physics, RTX

    It's as I've said, when you're helping me out with other and my own API Requests you're also helping yourselves and other people, as noted in the video. You can do so much with the game, more than what even the developers (of any game) could have ever have imagined. You could genuinely add photogrammetry into Minecraft (more so into Rising World) if you so cared and desired to. Seeing a lot of lethargic folks saddens me, especially with the financial strains Rising World is under. You could do so much with the game, something I admire when people add one plugin after another, or share what they've been working on behind the scenes.

    It's genuinely mind-blowing seeing people adding photogrammetry into Minecraft, something we can also do in Rising World with ease. I genuinely had my jaw drop to the ground when I saw the results of other people constantly pushing the boundaries, something I'm used to the Japanese community doing in whatever game they're a part of.

    The video also has shown snow detailing. Shall Rising World have that? if it does, I wasn't paying attention.

    Smoke collecting on the ceiling trying to find its way further up.


    "Minecraft stops being a game. It's something a bit more than that, it's a canvas"

    This same quote can also be applied to Rising World.

  • ArcticuKitsu

    Changed the title of the thread from “Photogrammetry, Unity, & Minecraft/Unity” to “Photogrammetry, Unity, & Minecraft/Rising World”.

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