How make Paper in Unity 0.6.7 version??

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  • I'm confused...

    Now it has paper press, but I can't use it.

    As I understand it, I have to put cloth in the Paper Press, but I don't have a cloth, I can't find cotton to plant or the Floor loom to manufacture the cloth, because it probably doesn't exist in this version yet.

    So I try to use the Coarse Cloth but nothing happens. And the wikis and videos available on the internet haven't helped. How to proceed? :dizzy:

  • Hemp or Wool > Loom > Makes reel > Reel to cloth > smash cloth up with grinder > get rags > rags in press > makes paper > make poster > sell on eBay (other online marketplaces available)

    As I said before, the unity version doesn't have Loom... But the following sequence worked...

    Wool > Yarn > Coarse Cloth > Rags > Paper

    Wool in Spinning Wheel = Yarn

    Yarn in Workbench = Coarse Cloth

    Coarse Cloth in Grinder = Rags

    Rags in Paper Press = Paper

    Thanks for the grinder tip, that was the missing point and killed the charade =P... In the videos I found about the old version (non-unity), it involved putting water in the press with a bucket, but there is no bucket in the unity version and watering can doesn't seem to do anything at the moment.

  • In the videos I found about the old version (non-unity), it involved putting water in the press with a bucket, but there is no bucket in the unity version and watering can doesn't seem to do anything at the moment.

    Yeah, this will definitely change in a future update ;) We didn't want to add buckets specifically for this (players would expect a water bucket to be also used to place water in the world), so for now, the paper press works without water, but we'll add the water requirement soon^^

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