[Request] Dancing Entities

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • Alright, who wants to help me pull of something on a more entertaining side of things? After a hard day's work how about seeing some 'ghost' entities dancing around. Grab some free MMD models, some Animation that works with Rising World, and have it inserted into your world similar to WTGPortal. I'm not expecting solid entities, only 'ghost' types, like a hologram. Could treat what I'm requesting to be added into Rising World.


    In short:

    - Pick a humanoid entity (MMD, VRoid, etc)

    - Pick an Animation

    - Place in Rising World while also having the ability to remove.

    (My request is done from what I've seen the community do.)

    Need an example? Try this Battleship Kaga (Azur Lane video).

    Doesn't have to be 5 minutes long, it can be 5-15 seconds, or whatever works in Rising World. ANYTHING. Not expecting aynthing solid, nor music. Only dancing ghost "something". Even a meme, or even a proper dance, or a variety of them. Just ping me, for real. Or just tell me what's possible, or what's not possible.


    I'm planning to build a performers platform to hold any potentially added dancing entities. Once I'm done building my naval port I can build this simplistic stage to handle whoever desires to help me, though not getting hopes up. It is wise to help Red51 out though, Rising World is in trouble. It genuinely would be wise to help.:!:

    This "stage" can be located in Kyoto's Higashi Hongan-ji Temple. A volunteer asked me if I needed help, to which I said "no". I was making note of this platform back in April 10th, 2023. I however am seeking help from the Rising World community, IF they can set their trivial grudges aside to help Rising World, Red51, and out of good will. We need all the plugins we can, even the Wisp plugin recently release. The more the merrier.

    Someone HAS to help me, so who shall it me? Just contact me. You know how to reach me. I'll be waiting, but don't turn me into a skeleton. This is for Rising World's sake. :thinking:

    If you're genuinely serious in helping me then ping me. Don't leave me hanging though or else you'll be saying you desire Rising World to die.

  • Wait. You can make entities dance in this game? That's awesome! Wish I could help you out. If I knew how to make somehting dance I would love to have I would love to have one of these Krieg boys dancing in my world.

    You mention Rising WOrld is going to die? I just found out about this game I hope not. congrat son your Japan trip. Can't wait to see your finished platform even if no dancers provided to you

  • Oh? Desired to stay silent, but I guess I can't now. :silenced:

    Yeah, in theory you can make an object dance, or do some static stuff. As for if it'll stop or loop is something I have yet to find out. I desired to finally import some Azur Lane or KanColle stuff with some dancing animations to help Rising World, but even that is a chore. I'm going to have to wait until I either A) get a proper Rising World Modding Tool to simplifiy things, or B) Have someone to help me. If I had some simplified tools I would do everything on my own; I wouldn't have to rely on people. I would apply dancing myself. But with the way things are going I'm considered a "terrorist" by people and Steam support so everything is made needlessly harder than it should be. Maybe someone can manage to fill in the void while I'm here floundering like a fish out of water:dizzy:.

    I mean, look at VRChat's SDK (people are familiar with it) where you can attach animations, weapons, clothing, and other fun stuff with a few additions. Sure, it does hiccup, but you figure it out in the end via Youtube videos and tutorials. It's a bit clunky, but eventually even a caveman could make use of it (if taught and guided in a copy-paste manner).

    Then there's Tower Unite with NPC and custom objects with how you're able to import characters, objects, and posters with ease. Go to a modding store to pick up these 'void' furniture blocks, place them in your condo and you can then apply workshop models on them. You then have the ability to use the ingame tool to apply the character, objects, posters, or whatever you desire. You can then apply default animations, expressions, pose, what to say, and how to say stuff. It's awesome. The game is held back by clunkiness, but at least you can do it. (Rising World needs this sort of tool)

    I was going to mention something else but then I had a brainfart. In the place of a brainfart someone made a Wisp to follow you around. Just imagine a Busou Shinki following you around in that manner (using simplified tools a caveman could use). You shared me Benio in another thread. Yeah, imagine a Benio following you around. That would be awesome. Sure, she won't do much, but at least she'll be there to give you a smile. :D I currently have a Wisp to float around with the aura of Kasumi from Azur Lane. The same person who made the Wisp also showcased various dragons in various Animated states. They can't do much, yet they're there. I'm happy for them, yet wish that could carry over to everything else, especially for Rising World's benefits and Anime gains.

    As for your Krieg, that be awesome as well. I still need to make my platform though. I would happily make another sci-fi styled platform to have a Krieg dancing in my growing city. I still have yet to make a concert hall so if performances are a thing I would happily switch between models that dance to have things going. But alas, we're not allowed. Everything is still outside of my skill grade. :dizzy: Maybe once we get a properly working API/modding tool (similar to VRChat & Tower Unite) I'll be able to manage something.


    You mention Rising WOrld is going to die? I just found out about this game I hope not. congrat son your Japan trip. Can't wait to see your finished platform even if no dancers provided to you

    I mean, Rising World is basically a teeter-totter, and on the middle line of it currently. It's both alive and dead at the very same time, though can be very much alive if certain tools can be provided to keep it alive. If we can get specific mods in play then you can for sure expect Rising World to be great. You would see so much hype and interest. I currently have someone helping me with Busou Shinki models from Battle Rondo so "soon" would be a good time to take advantage of this prior to their leaving. I was given access to my favoruite Busou Shinki, I simply need to convert them into both Rising World & VRChat use.

    (Kohiru, Sharatang, Benio; Tsugaru is a bonus)

    If I can just figure out how to use an object/item mod loader I can then start waving stuff around. Sure, they'll be purely static as a statue, but at least they'll be there for me to wave around. With how much people hate me I probably won't get animations applied to models (I may have to contact Red51), otherwise I was given the green light to use certain models in Rising World (making sure they work).

    Once things are ready, they're ready. I'll get to my platform eventually. I still have some backlog builds to work on, such as my Busou Shinki HQ I'm 70% completed building. It has 9 floors, now needs its special 10th floor, roof attachment, and even to start postering with Busou Shinki images. It may not do well carrying over to an eventual online server (may need to log what posters are where), it shall however be awesome to eventually showcase imported Busou Shinki models someone decided to help me with. :nerd:

    (Sorry for the wall of text. I simply don't desire to post over and over again.)

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