I dont know if this is a bug or not

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  • Like it says, when down at -474 feet , i cant place a torch or floodlight or bonefire or anything that would give off more light to be able to see. I dont know if this is sa bug or not. I can place blocks just no type of light. I can hold a torch but that is it.

  • Hmm... that's really weird :wat: Do you see a preview of the torch/fire, or is that also missing? Unfortunately I couldn't reproduce this issue... if this happens again after reloading the world, do you mind sending a report? To do that, just open the console (` or ~) and type "report" (maybe add some additional information like "cannot place torch here").

  • Hmm... that's really weird :wat: Do you see a preview of the torch/fire, or is that also missing? Unfortunately I couldn't reproduce this issue... if this happens again after reloading the world, do you mind sending a report? To do that, just open the console (` or ~) and type "report" (maybe add some additional information like "cannot place torch here").

    ok Red , I reloaded and everything is working now down there. Thanks

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