Replacing Blank Poster Images?

  • Hello,

    I was just wondering if there is a way to apply an image to a blank poster that has already been placed?

    I made a blueprint of my house (with lots of posters inside) but when I place the blueprint, all of the posters are blank.

    I cannot seem to highlight posters with F8, Am I missing something or is the only way to manually replace/reposition them all?

  • Entscheidend ist dabei, dass du die Bilder in der jeweiligen Welt bereits gespeichert hast.

    Ansonsten existiert der Pfad nicht & kann folglich auch nicht geladen werden.

    It is crucial that you have already saved the images in the respective world.

    Otherwise, the path does not exist and therefore cannot be loaded.

  • So sieht es aus. Es genügt allerdings schon, wenn sie im Auswahlordner existieren. Du musst sie nicht platzieren.

    Here's what it looks like. However, it is sufficient if they exist in the selection folder. You don't have to place them.

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