Greetings gang,
I would love to see more variations and/or colors of flowers and foliage. Low priority, to be sure, but I'm finding that my decorated villages are too heavy in pink and purple. I'd love some more red, orange, yellow, and white varieties.
That said, you did a *fantastic* job with the desert biomes. I've often posted friendly corrections to developers about their misunderstandings of what the American Southwest looks like, but red51 and his team really listened! The mesquites have thorns, the saguaros are tall and hurt when you bump into them, and the dangerous snakes are actually diamondbacks! Yaaaas! I cannot articulate how immensely pleased I am with your hard work on the desert biome details.
So, this is just a tiny suggestion that you are free to take on or ignore as you please. If you do take it on, I did a little snapshot research of my local gems just to start you off with some ideas.
blue lupine, brittlebush, California or Mexican poppy, chrysanthemum, desert bird of paradise, mariposa lily, orange bougainvillea, primrose, sunflower,
Thanks for such a beautiful and peaceful game.