Hi all,
i have Rising World installed on two different machines, one is under Windows 7 64-bit, Geforce GTX 560 Ti and running well (apart from some known issues) and the other one is "older" under Windows Vista Ultimate 32-bit, Geforce 8800 GTS and crashing about every 10 minutes in-game. I have the feeling that this is due to the graphic card and i would like to use the lowest setting possible to see if the problems still occure with the random crashes. What are the lowest settings in the graphic?
Here my current settings for the older machine with the available options (all disabled apart from the one said so):
- Sichtweite - 15 chunks
- Detailsichtweite - 9 chunks
- Quality - ultra niedrig
- Anisotrop. Filter
- VSync
- Lightscattering
- Lightglare
- Physikalische Trümmer
- Ambient Occlusion (SSAO)
- Grasverdeckung - enabled
- Lichtkrümmung
- Tiefenunschärfe - enabled
- Umgebungsspiegelungen
- Glanzlichter
- Triplanares LOD Mapping
Are the right things enabled / disabled for low settings?
Many thanks in advance!
P.S. i have latest graphic driver and java