AutoBan Plugin

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  • AutoBan

    This is a plugin that automatically bans known server trouble makers, ATM there is no one added to the list

    To get a player banned on all servers running this plugin we all must provided evidence in the forum of screen shots of the damaged caused, that evidence along with the players UID number, Must be posted on this page, once a player has been added they cannot be removed,

    however i will be adding soon a option for Admins to allow banned players to still be able to play on there own server, the default will always be banned till they are unbanned by that server owner.

    Version 1

    • coded the main commutation script to receive the ban list from my own website
    • coded auto kick on player connect
    • coded /banlist for admins to view the list of UIDs added, if that player has been on your own server it will also show the name of the player

    Version 1.1

    • Coded database for banned players
    • Coded /Autoban admin tool for unbanning or re banning banned players on the list

    Autoban automatically bans known trouble makers by an updated ban list stored on my own website, once a player has been added to this list every server who has AutoBan plugin installed is automatically protected from this player, the addition of the /AutoBan is so all server owners can then disable a player from been banned on there own server.


    • AutoBanV1.1.7z

      (437.43 kB, downloaded 84 times, last: )

    Yahgiggle Steam Signature, real name Deon Hamilton :thumbsup: Server @ ip Name (The Federation of territory) Unity :thumbsup:

    If at first your code does not work call it version 0.1 with the odd bug :thinking:

    My Own Website


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