how to fix firewall by bugs whit play whit friends

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  • hi yall,

    hopefully can someone help me whit this:

    my friends get stuck in unloaded chunks around the map and the chunks just don't load anyway

    I thinks this is something whit the firewall, but how to fix this and which firewallr ule i need to add?

    hopefully someone can help me


  • can you share your player log and their player log? should be in a logs folder in the game directory.

  • CoenyRW Normally a firewall is shown in the taskbar in the lower right corner of your screen. You can rightclick on the little symbol to open the properties. Choose deactive the firewall (for a few minutes) and try again. Afaik it doesen't matter which firewall you use, the procedure is the same. I think you use the Windows defender firewall, normally automatically installed if no other firewall is available.

    Try to deactivate the firewall on your pc and on the pc of your friend and try to start the game again.

    Red mentioned such a suggestion on your other thread.

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