Issues I noticed on return to game

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  • After an absence of many months I've reinstalled and started to acquaint myself with the game again, not having played with the last update. I've noticed a few minor issues...

    Soon after spawning I was chased by two bears but managed to escape by putting a cave entrance between us; one fell in the other couldn't work out how get round a small hole - maybe needs a path-finding tweak?

    Next I tried to build a small shelter but no matter where I put it (on flat land) it wanted to be sideways, angled down or upside down! Then I noticed the rotation was set oddly so put that right and was able to place it. Maybe this was a hold-over from the last time I played (my keybinds were remembered)? Either way, may be any rotations should be reset when starting a new world?

    I had the same issue with a simple furnace after placing the shelter.

    Finally, I noticed the hotbar color makes is almost impossible to see some items - I mentioned this some time ago, maybe it hasn't been tweaked yet?

    On the same topic, the red message that appears at the bottom of the screen when trying and failing to fuel a furnace is very hard to read on some backgrounds (such as the above pine forest floor). Maybe put the message in a coloured box instead?

  • Hi if you press the backspace key that will re-set the object to the correct (original) position, as for the pathfinding I agree that this could be a bit better and im sure that over time Red will improve on that once the game gets more of the main stuff back into the game.:):)

    Pressing the backspace key drops the object but the funky angles return once i pick it up and try to place it again.

    Ignore that, I had backspace mapped to drop items... (I did say I hadn't played for a long time :D)

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