RWDBbasic (Rising World Discord Bot) chat relay

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  • a small discord plugins to relay chat from game to discord and discord to game.

    **note: as i have run into a few issues with JDA ive decided to release a basic version for now.

    download both parts and extract the RWDBbasic.part1.rar (the rest will self extract).

    in the properties file you must add a bot token and a channel id(read below).

    setting up your bot:

    head over to the Discord dev portal click here.

    select new application

    name your bot and select Create

    on the left select OAuth2

    for OAuth2 url Generator check the bot box

    in the bot permissions section check the box's Send Messages and read message history

    leave integration type alone and and copy the generated url(save this for later as its used to add the bot to the discord server!).

    next selct bot on the left sidebar.

    under auth flow select public bot, presence intent, server members intent and message content intent.

    under the bot permissions section select send messages and read message history

    then back at the top select Reset Token

    copy this token. this is your bot token NEVER SHARE THIS TOKEN!!!!!!

    in the discord server on the channel to relay chat, right click and select copyid. **if you do not have this option read THIS!

    now, in the plugin directory, open the file. for bot token after the = add your bot token for generaltextchannelid add your channelid and save the file.

    copy the link created and paste it into your web browser. this will walk you threw adding the bot to your server.

    load your RW server and enjoy!

    if you have issues, questions or recommendations please dont hesitate to comment

    i am working on an advanced version with commands status notifications and global rw chat HERE!

    UPDATE 0.0.3

    added auto reply if a player sends a message in the chat channel and there are no players online

    added a "useConnect" option to announce player connect/disconnect in game

  • james1bow

    Changed the title of the thread from “Discord Plugin(WIP)” to “RWDBbasic (Rising World Discord Bot) chat relay”.

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