Ein kompletter Hühnerstall mit Auslauf für Euren Bauernhof. Auf dem Boden des Bruthauses ist ein Aufkleber mit einer Heu-Textur angebracht, die Ihr Euch entsprechend noch besorgen müsst, wenn Ihr einen Heuboden haben wollt. Oder Ihr benutzt einfach die Strohdachblöcke aus dem Spiel.
Viel Spaß und Freude damit!
EDIT: Der Haken an der Lampe wurde von CursedXistence erstellt, der mir nun die Genehmigung gegeben hat, ihn in diesem Projekt öffentlich zur Verfügung zu stellen. Danke an CursedXistence!
A complete chicken-coop with chicken-run for your farm. The floor of the hatchery holds a decal with a hay texture, which you will have to provide and implement for yourself, if you want a hay floor like mine. You could also add the ingame straw block for that purpose, of course.
Have fun and enjoy!
EDIT: The hook on the wall lamp was created by CursedXistence, who now gave me permission to use it in this project. Thank you, CursedXistence!
Chicken Coop/Hühnerstall
- New Version
- English / German
- Käptn Baubär
Oh, ich habe eine Sache vergessen. Ich habe die Lampe hier in der öffentlichen Version mit implementiert, welche an einem Haken aufgehangen ist. Der Haken wurde laut blueprint von CursedXistence gefertigt. Die Lampe ist von mir. Wenn das mit dem Haken ein Problem ist, dann nehme ich diese Version nochmal runter und mache die Lampe raus (weil anders komme ich vermutlich an den Haken nicht ran). Wenn CursedXistence das hier liest, melde Dich gerne!
Oh, I forgot one thing. I have implemented the lamp in this public version, which is attached to a hook. The hook was made (as its blueprint states) by CursedXistence. The lamp ist mine. If the hook-thing is a problem, I'm taking this down to get rid of the lamp first (because I won't be able to get to the hook otherwise, I assume). If CursedXistence is reading this, please get back to me, if you like. -
Oh, I forgot one thing. I have implemented the lamp in this public version, which is attached to a hook . The hook was made (as its blueprint states) by CursedXistence . The lamp is mine. If the hook-thing is a problem, I'm taking this down to get rid of the lamp first (because I won't be able to get to the hook otherwise, I assume). If CursedXistence is reading this , please get back to me, if you like .
Replied on my hook blueprint page but just reposting it here to make sure you see it:
Sorry it's taking me so long to reply, I just now saw your message.
I have absolutely no problem if you want to use the hook or any of my other blueprints for that matter in your projects and include them in your blueprints. That goes for anyone else that sees this, all I ask is that like Käptn Baubär mentioned, that you give credit for whatever of my elements you use in your blueprints. -
Thank you very much, CursedXistence! I think your reply was fast.
It's great we can use your assets. And mentioning artists and their work is a matter of course. The power of creative communities is, that we can create even greater things, if we all work together. I'm just sorry, that I didn't think of using the hook first. If that ever happens somewhere that I'm using work of others, not mentioning it, it is 100% by mistake! Please, everybody feel free to remind me in this case!
Speaking of permissions, I absolute want to express my persmission for my works as well. You can all use them to your heart's content. I wish to thrive for this community and our projects. Much love!
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