Server Manager(Plugin)

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  • Implemented:

    server config management: edit backup and restore server config.

    permissions management: edit, backup, restore, create, and remove group and area permissions(default group perm edit, backup, restore).

    server status: basic server info ip, time, connected player count, weather ect.

    quick commands: restart, shutdown, kick, ban, set weather, send yell message and set time.


    Advanced Chat system: replacement for in game chat. Custom chat colors. Offline messages. Multi chat channel system.

    Npc management: GUI management system to include NPC and mount protection.

    Player management: system to manage the players. includes kick, ban, message, player areas, player permissions and per player permissions.

    Area management: manage area permissions, remove area, get area info, and view an image of the area;

    RCON system: access the plugin remotely.

    Custom Image Browser: a system to brows uploaded images(posters).

    Things i have thought about adding:

    global map system. this would collect player map data and compile it into a larger image. would allow admins to do things like points of interest markers and such from a top down perspective. could also aid in build planning. this would be viewable/editable in the plugins GUI and the plugins RCON tool and viewable only via a small map server.

    Plugin module system. this would allow other plugin developers to build modules to add to the server manager and RCON tool. this would allow for adding all Java Swing Objects (Tossing around the idea of going with javaFX).

    Plugin management. a system to add remove enable disable plugins. would also include auto plugin updates. this idea is set aside as im not sure whats planned for the game in terms of plugin management.

    Foreseeable issues:

    server hosts. tho untested im sure this would cause issues with server hosts with no access to graphics devices. the planned work around is the RCON tool. the owner could manually set the RCON tool setting file with things like ip and port before uploading the plugin to the server then connect via rcon.

  • james1bow

    Changed the title of the thread from “Server Manger(Plugin)” to “Server Manager(Plugin)”.
  • Just an update, i decided to take a few days off from coding to do some planning. so to some things i want to do ive had to start over. the way it worked before was it was just loaded as a plugin. this limited me on what i could do. this will now be a stand alone application with a plugin component. you will be able to download the server manager and it will walk you threw setting up your server. you will still be able to use this tool for existing servers as well.

  • I've been also thinking how it would be possible see whole world map.

    You can make world map by taking a screenshots and then doing pictures in-game uploading those screenshots and organising them square type form on wall / table / floor / ceiling...and so forth.

    This kind of style doesn't show live feed, what is happening on those maps.

    but can you make live map, which is used via browser like Minecraft has this Dynmap plugin?

    This plugin you are making, could be very useful to handle dedicated servers via RCON.

    Is it possible to make just terminal type plugin (no seperate graphical window) to server, which just collects data from server live and graphical for admins to use on their own PC's?

    But still, you are doing great work here. :)

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