No, not a rotating blue light but rather a rotating light where you can set the desired color yourself. How could I not have thought of that right away. 😅
No, not a rotating blue light but rather a rotating light where you can set the desired color yourself. How could I not have thought of that right away. 😅
ummm.....because you were distracted by the pretty lava lamp bubbles?? lol
ummm.....because you were distracted by the pretty lava lamp bubbles?? lol
I hope that's the reason.😁
No, not a rotating blue light but rather a rotating light where you can set the desired color yourself. How could I not have thought of that right away. 😅
Use a paintbrush on the rotating red beacon - viola - Your K-Mart Blue Light Special is ready to go!
Use a paintbrush on the rotating red beacon - viola - Your K-Mart Blue Light Special is ready to go!
Yes, thx i know. I wrote this before the rotating light was in the game.
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