Bug Report: Version: - Unity Update 0.8 - Copy Block Control Issue

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  • Version: - Unity Update 0.8

    Persistence: Constant

    Issue: Copy Block no longer works with middle mouse button click.

    I tried changing the control from and back to "Middle Mouse Button" and it still wouldn't work. Setting a regular keybinding (Tried U) worked fine.

  • Is the middle mouse button maybe also used somewhere else (e.g. for interaction)? This prevents the "copy block" from being executed unfortunately...

    Nope, it's not assigned to anything else, I just checked it again before replying to make sure I didn't miss anything the last time. It was working fine before the seasons update, hasn't worked since. I tried it again earlier when I was playing and middle mouse button still isn't working for it, but a key bind on the keyboard works fine. And yes, I'm sure my middle mouse button is still functioning.

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