Suggestion: Brightness level settings for candles

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  • I know candles having a brightness setting isn't exactly realistic, but when building custom glass lanterns, etc. the candle light can become too dim, especially when using certain colored / textured glass.

    the current brightness settings used for the other lights would work just fine so it would just be a matter of hooking that with the candles. I'd suggest having the default brightness from the candles be the same as it is now (guessing it'd be around the 50% brightness level) and then being able to adjust it higher/lower for usage.

  • Do you mean the brightness of the actual light that's emitted from the candle (which has an extremely low range anyway), or the brightness of the flame (i.e. make it "glow" more intensely)?

  • Do you mean the brightness of the actual light that's emitted from the candle (which has an extremely low range anyway), or the brightness of the flame (i.e. make it "glow" more intensely)?

    Sorry I should have specified better, it was a braindead moment. lol

    I mean the light emitted brightness, but honestly if it's not too much trouble being able to adjust the flame glow brightness as well could be really useful.

    Like I said before, I know it's not exactly realistic being able to adjust the brightness of a candle like you do an electrical light, but it would be an in-game way to amplify light like the glass of a lantern does, or light reflecting off of a polished metal reflector, or the light of a candle being amplified by a glass container filled with water, etc.

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