More clothing (out Creative)

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  • Hello,

    Now we have the new Seasonsupdate, it's time for more clothes. The only clothes we have now is the fur-pack, otherwise the player is running around in underwear.

    I know there is a clothingissue but the clothes available in Creative (or part of it) we can use, yes ? Could you make it available please ?

    I thought at least on ...

    Ragshirt (lumpenoberteil) and ragshoes (lumpenschuhe)

    Human_AR1_boots, Human_AR2_belt, Human_AR2_cloak and/or Human_AR5_cloak.

    ... and maybe the armor suitable for humans ?

    But not the medievalsuit2 (= bandits) or the clothing typical for the barbarians. That would be confusing; i don't want to be shot by another player ^^

    I know it's possible because i know at least one server the owners wear clothes (at the moment only there available) from Creative.

    If new players discover that they have to run around in underwear, changes are they leave the game =O

    Thank you.

  • Are you asking for just a T-shirt rag cloth or a long shirt of rag that covers the under wear? The movement of the clothing might need more time to design if it reaches the legs. Java had some issues with that.

    Is there anyone wanting a rag T-shirt to say Java and a cotton made T-shirt to say Unity?

  • Are you asking for just a T-shirt rag cloth or a long shirt of rag that covers the under wear? The movement of the clothing might need more time to design if it reaches the legs. Java had some issues with that.

    Is there anyone wanting a rag T-shirt to say Java and a cotton made T-shirt to say Unity?

    I suppose what I'd like is the long shirt that we had in Java, to cover our undies! I realise the issues, but it would be nice to get something that makes it look as if we have some clothing at the start...

    Although I would also settle for t-shirt and ragged trousers, if that is easier to make... :)

  • I have to say I am pretty uncomfortable with the bikini myself.. LOL. Well - actually I'd like some western attire from like the 1850-1880's (think Tombstone). Camo outfits of various patterns. The rag clothes are great also. Stuff that would have actually have been worn in say 1500's to 1800's (I don't care so much for modern day stuff, which is why I play the game). Perhaps parkas and hawaii shirts? Safari wear - khaki slacks, shirts, jackets, hats - Aussie style would be amazing. Choosable of many different patterns.

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