Horse glitch colliding with fence 0.8 vers

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  • Horses (possibly other animals) collide with fences. Maybe because they aren't a full block thick? Here's video.

    Also, night is pitch black! Like a cave dark. Might we get just a tiny little bit of ambient night light? I don't recall it being quite this dark before.


  • It does seem to be fixed! Thanks. They now get to about a block width from the fence and then turn away. Much better behavior. :)

    I noticed that Tomatoes are only giving 1 seedling when I cut them from the garden. I will see if it's the same out in the wild. Everything else gives two seedlings, which helps grow the garden.

    Edit: I can confirm that when cut in the wild tomatoes give 2 seedlings, but in the garden only 1. Intentional?

    Unrelated: just had a hard crash upon closing inventory.

  • Edit: I can confirm that when cut in the wild tomatoes give 2 seedlings, but in the garden only 1. Intentional?

    Was it maybe a tomato plant without tomatoes or with green tomatoes? They only give 1 seedling atm ^^

    Unrelated: just had a hard crash upon closing inventory.

    Oh, that's not supposed to happen... but if you run into another crash again, please restart the game right after the crash (just to the main menu), then open the console and type report (this brings up a dialog, maybe add some information there that the game crashed after closing the inventory, for example), then send the report :) It will automatically attach the log file and a crash dump, which might contain more information for us about what went wrong^^

  • Also, night is pitch black! Like a cave dark. Might we get just a tiny little bit of ambient night light? I don't recall it being quite this dark before.

    If you look at the sky, you'll notice there's moon phases. When it's the new moon, the night is completely dark.

    I requested this feature for realism and to give a use to the street lights which were useless since the night was bright enough to see.

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