collision boxes for bacon and other cooking wishes

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  • I notice the "collision box" or whatever it's called for Bacon is rather large so that when you cook the slices you can't get too many on the grill. if they could be tighter, like the steaks, that would be swell.

    I'd love it if we could also cook in a pot. But perhaps that'll come when we are able to put items down in the world--something I also look forward to. Please bring back the chicken for roasting! Then fish would also be a logical food item once we get fishing back in. Roasting corn or potatoes, even sliced pumpkin could all be done on the grill, or in the big oven. We occasionally get an egg when we kill a chicken, so I hope that we will have that added to a recipe soon.

    Then we need a mechanic for catching a live chicken so we can start a captive flock. (With roosters!) But in the meantime it would be nice to find eggs randomly wherever chickens roam. Milk from cows too, even if there's no animation, like shearing the sheep is currently sort of unrealistic, but does the trick.

    With a pot for cooking we could boil down the sugar beets, and we'd have flour, sugar, eggs and milk--everything we need for more realistic baking recipes. Add any fruit or vegg for flavor and voila many different items to cook!

  • A pot is a great idea, but probably something we wouldn't see until the water bucket / rest of the water mechanics are implemented.


    Personally what I'd love to eventually see is each protein, fruit, veg, etc. having it's own base stats. Then like with your suggestion of a pot we could pick what veg, meat, etc. we want to cook together and it would combine those stats for the full meal. This way instead of having set recipes we could just create our own. Same thing could be done for cooking a lot of other things like pizza, etc. as well, but then there could still be set recipes for things like bread, pizza dough, cookies, etc.

    The same mechanics could also be used for brewing medicine making, etc. and really open it up to a lot of fun experimentation , sharing of info, etc. Most games just go with a limited selection of predefined recipes.

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