Feature suggestion(s)

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • Hi everyone, happy new year as first!!

    I have some suggestions:

    more items from animals (e.g from goats horns, bears claws or thoots, etc)

    Dual wield, e.g holding a torch in your left hand and a sword in your right, but also 2 weapons (for one handed tools and weapons)

    One handed axes and shields. (we never had shields in the game, would really like that!)

    (enable or disable whit setting) Bigger monsters, e.g dragons, titans for dungeons (maybe for a rare variant of a dungeon)

    That was it! red, maybe one of my ideas can be implented in game? Or tell me if something is arl on your to do list. (if its a secret, it's okay of course:D)


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