Update 0.8: Seasons and more

  • Hey folks,

    A new update is available, which adds a lot of new content and features, putting a bigger focus on survival and player progression!

    One of the main features in this update are seasons: while the environment is now lush in spring and summer, foliage turns yellow and orange in the fall. In winter, you will experience snowfall and cold temperatures. Plants won't grow and animal spawn is also greatly reduced in winter.

    Each season lasts 31 days. It's possible to disable seasons or to change it manually with the new "season" console command.

    The game now also changes the current weather based on your region.



    With this update, temperature now also plays a role. The current season and weather has a significant influence on the temperature. It will be necessary to get proper clothes before winter or before traveling to cold regions. Beware of blizzards in winter, which can be deadly.

    If it's getting too cold, you can either get into a building or cave, or craft a campfire to warm yourself up.




    This update changes how ore spawn works - ores like gold and aluminum are now only found in arid and arctic regions. If you want to craft more advanced items, it will be necessary to travel to these regions.

    To get more information about where to find certain resources, you can check out the new journal: you can open it by pressing J. It serves as a guide for new players, but also provides information about various resources. In addition to that, you can add custom notes to your journal.


    The update also introduces a first implementation of crafting progression. When starting a new world, most crafting recipes are unavailable and get unlocked the more items you craft. If you move your cursor over an unknown recipe in the crafting menu, the game will provide some hints about what's required to unlock the recipe. Please keep in mind that this is not yet the final implementation and that it may still be subject to change based on feedback.

    Another feature of this update: most items now have a limited durability. When hovering an item in your inventory, the current condition will be visible. The condition also affects the appearance and the sounds of the items. If you keep using a broken item, it will eventually break.

    Most tools can be repaired though (as long as they're not broken yet). The newly introduced grindstone can both repair and sharpen your tools and weapons.


    In addition to the new features, this updates adds various new items and objects. A calendar object is useful to show the current day and season and a pocket watch shows the current ingame time. There is also a magnifying glass (which increases the max zoom level, which is useful while building with small parts).

    We've also ported some objects from the Java version like the drawbridge or manhole covers. Apart from that, we've also added a beartrap, various primitive furnitures and also a new chainsaw. For the sailing boat, you can now craft an optional storage box. Speaking of sailing boats: you can now customize it by adding a custom image/logo to the sail!



    Last but not least terrain materials are now obtainable in survival mode. Some of them are necessary to craft certain items (e.g. smelt sand to raw glass), but all terrain materials can be placed back in the world now. When placing terrain materials, you can either add them or replace existing terrain - in both cases a preview should show up, indicating how the change would look like.

    As always, please find the full changelog below. If you run into any problems or if you have any questions, please let us know :)

    Store Page Update

    The new version is still kept in a beta branch for now. If you want to play the new version, make sure to have the Beta Branch enabled (see this topic for more information).

    Once all remaining issues are sorted out, we will update the store page and replace the Java version with the new version (but the Java version will still remain playable of course - see below for more information). However, we will need a few more days for testing and to make sure that worlds will not be lost during the transition, so it will most likely happen after the holidays.

    Java Version

    If you still prefer the Java version and don't want to play the new version, we've added a new Beta Branch specifically for the Java version. If you enable the "java_legacy" Beta Branch, you won't get the new version automatically when we update the store page. To enable the Java Beta Branch, just right-click on Rising World in your Steam library, select "Properties", go to the "Betas" tab and select "java_legacy" from the drop-down list (no code required). Close the window and then you should be able to continue playing as usual.


    Changelog 0.8 (2024-12-17):

    • [New] Seasons (spring, summer, fall, winter)

      • Seasons affect overall color of vegetation and environment
      • Weather and temperature depends on season
      • Shorter and darker days during winter
      • Snowfall during winter (including snow storms/blizzard etc)
      • Saplings and seedlings no longer grow during winter
      • Each season lasts 31 ingame days
    • [New] Items like tools and weapons now have a limited durability

      • Item condition is visualized in inventory (when hovering the item)
      • If an item wears out, the appearance, sound and stats of the item change
      • Most items can be repaired to a certain degree (see grindstone)
      • If you keep using a broken/ruined item, it will fully break eventually
    • [New] Temperature now affects the player

      • Icon in status bar indicates if temperature is too cold or too warm
      • Cold temperature adds damage to the player, hot temperature dehydrates player
      • Icon also indicates if player temperature is currently falling or raising
      • Temperature is determined by weather, environment, season and region
      • If player is wet/damp, temperature will be lower
      • Temperature is lower at night or on high altitudes
      • Staying in buildings or caves have positive impact on temperature
      • Staying close to a heat source (e.g. fireplaces) increases player temperature
    • [New] If player is wet/damp, a status icon is now displayed
    • [New] You can now get terrain materials (e.g. stone, dirt, sand etc) in survival mode and place it in the world
    • [New] New crafting station: grindstone, which is used to sharpen and repair tools and weapons
    • [New] New item: chainsaw
    • [New] New item: pocket watch (to see the current time)
    • [New] New item: magnifying glass (to increase max zoom level when holding Z)
    • [New] New objects: primitive chest, primitive chair, table and shelf (craftable at primitive workbench)
    • [New] New object: calendar (showing current ingame day and season)
    • [New] New object: beartrap
    • [New] New object: rotating beacon light
    • [New] Added drawbridge
    • [New] Added 4 different manhole covers
    • [New] Added optional craftable storage for sailboats
    • [New] New clothes: wolf mask and skull mask (headgear)
    • [New] Added bacon, which is obtainable from pigs
    • [New] You can now add custom images/logos to the sail of the sailing boat (hold F while looking at the boat)
    • [New] Sand can now be smelted to raw glass (crafting requirement for various items)
    • [New] Added journal (J), which contains various information and help
    • [New] You can store custom notes in your journal (shared across worlds)
    • [New] Cold and arid regions now have separate weather effects and are no longer affected by global rain or snow
    • [New] Tools and weapons you loot can now have a modifier, affecting their stats (displayed when hovering)
    • [New] Added new weather effects
    • [New] Added new music disc track
    • [New] The map now shows the last location where you died
    • [New] Added several new map markers for multiplayer (also available in singleplayer by setting Game_MapEnableAllIcons to true)
    • [New] When building with blocks, you can now rotate the grid (i.e. change the grid orientation) with the new "gridrotation" command
    • [New] Terrain type and elevation settings in superflat worlds can now be changed on multiplayer servers (in server.properties file)
    • [Change] Updated engine to Unity 6
    • [Change] Improved rendering of volumetric clouds
    • [Change] Picking up ores from a furnace works a bit better now (reduced chance to turn on the furnace accidentally)
    • [Change] It's now possible to place blueprints (with some limitations) above the max vertical chunk limit (e.g in orbit)
    • [Change] You cannot plant saplings or seedlings anymore if the ground is frozen (relevant during winter season)
    • [Change] Player now has a shadow when riding horses
    • [Change] Increased minimum fall distance at which the player gets fall damage
    • [Change] Improved render quality of grass and certain plants
    • [Change] Grid (G) works more reliable now when placing objects (like furniture, doors etc)
    • [Change] If a door was obstructed, it will now keep the correct position after a reload
    • [Change] Interaction key (F) can now also be used to close chests or crafting menus
    • [Change] Creative-mode F8 edit tool (1) now remembers the previously used rotation
    • [Change] Game now shows an error message if saving a blueprint to disk fails
    • [Change] Skipping nights (by sleeping in a bed) now also affects the weather
    • [Change] Plants and grass now get wet during rain
    • [Change] Walking up on mountains is a bit more difficult now
    • [Change] Reduced speed reduction of sailing boat if inside a building or in a cave
    • [Change] Clothes now show their stats (insulation, protection etc) in inventory (when hovering them with the cursor)
    • [Change] Updated miningdrill sounds
    • [Change] Water is now no longer rendered in front of volumetric clouds
    • [Change] Add separate "rough refractions" setting to enable/disable blur on certain glass panes (e.g. milk glass)
    • [Change] Improved readability of chat and other hud texts
    • [Bugfix] Fixed perceived framerate being lower than actual framerate if it was above 60 (need feedback)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed bug which caused the game to ignore disabled npc settings for cave and hell npcs (affected spiders, ghouls and firewolves)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed bug which caused boats to become indestructible
    • [Bugfix] Fixed bug which allowed players to ride horses without a saddle
    • [Bugfix] Fixed wrong blueprint bounds when placing it if it contains resized objects (e.g. small doors etc)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed wrong render order of construction elements and transparent elements in blueprint previews
    • [Bugfix] Fixed map falling through the ground when throwing it away
    • [Bugfix] Fixed "renderconstruction" console command sometimes causing distorted icons in inventory
    • [Bugfix] Fixed visual artifacts on water splash effect

    Hotfix (2024-12-19):

    • [Change] Map key binding (M) can now be changed in settings menu
    • [Change] Increased durability of primitive axe
    • [Bugfix] Fixed random crash after hiding/removing animal corpses
    • [Bugfix] When placing terrain in survival mode, the game now shows a preview
    • [Bugfix] Fixed journal being empty after reloading a world
    • [Bugfix] Crafting recipe progression is now properly reset when loading another world
    • [Bugfix] Fixed picking up leather not unlocking the relevant crafting recipes (if you already have leather in your inventory, drop it and pick it up to trigger the recipe unlock)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed glass and cloth related recipes not unlocking
    • [Bugfix] Fixed issues with some plugins

    Hotfix (2024-12-20):

    • [New] Item durability is now fully configurable and can optionally also be disabled (see settings -> miscellaneous)
    • [Change] In order to craft certain tools, an anvil is now required
    • [Change] Changed crafting recipe of rowboat (no longer requiring ropes)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed saloon doors not working correctly if they were resized
    • [Bugfix] Fixed text being invisible on ore detector
    • [Bugfix] Fixed wrong sparks direction when using the grindstone
    • [Bugfix] Fixed ingame music no longer playing
    • [Bugfix] Fixed axe (and some other tools) not being sharpenable at the grindstone
    • [Bugfix] Fixed certain tools not being repairable at the grindstone
    • [Bugfix] Fixed broken collision detection for npcs
    • [Bugfix] Fixed rendering issues on some transparent materials
    • [Bugfix] Fixed issues when moving blueprints while manual placement is active
    • [Bugfix] Fixed error when duplicating an item (in creative mode) that was in the last slot of the hotbar
    • [Bugfix] Fixed dead player body clothes turning pink (missing material) after changing clothes

    Hotfix (2024-12-21):

    • [Bugfix] Fixed blinking info text in lower left corner of the screen

    Hotfix (2024-12-30):

    • [New] New items: Firework rocket and large firework rocket
    • [New] Stone can now be crushed to gravel in the grinder
    • [New] Added pages for tungsten and sulfur to the journal (see "Resources")
    • [New] Rake, hoe and sledgehammer now show grid on terrain (can be toggled by pressing G)
    • [New] You can now get saplings from aleppo pines
    • [New] Game shows a message now if world couldn't be saved due to I/O errors
    • [Change] Journal custom notes section now provides an unlimited amount of pages
    • [Change] Health slowly regenerates now if hunger and thirst is > 90%. Increased speed when sleeping
    • [Change] Reduced durability of all iron and steel tools
    • [Change] Certain saplings (e.g. spruce sapling) can now be planted on frozen ground again (unless it's completely covered in snow)
    • [Change] Reduced wind intensity on default and clear weather
    • [Change] You now get sticks when cutting down young trees
    • [Change] Snowfall no longer has an impact on thirst
    • [Change] Slightly increased spawn rate for aluminium ore in arctic regions
    • [Change] Recipe-unlock notification is no longer shown in creative mode
    • [Change] Hostile npcs and animals now react to shots and projectiles again
    • [Change] Settings for hunger/thirst, temperature and falldamage are now inverted (instead of disabling they enable it)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed Plugin API not working on some Linux distros (need feedback)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed durability of sledgehammer and rake not being updated when hitting terrain
    • [Bugfix] Fixed issue on some Linux distros that plugins could not be loaded (need feedback)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed items suddenly being restored if reloading the world while the item was just about to break
    • [Bugfix] Fixed missing parts in blueprint preview if blueprint consisted of many elements
    • [Bugfix] Fixed resolution scale (graphics settings) not working
    • [Bugfix] Fixed blueprint position if grid was enabled
    • [Bugfix] Fixed baked bacon not being displayed correctly
    • [Bugfix] Fixed hands still being visible after unequipping a two-handed sword
  • Thanks for your feedback! :)

    looks great, but still no animal breeding..when this feature is added i can forget the real world

    Animal breeding will most likely be added after the store page update ;) But is there anything specific you would like when we add this to the game? Feel free to create a new topic in our suggestions section then :)

    What changes have there been to the API? I only ask as the MR plugin is kaput :silenced: :thinking:

    Oh, I'm sorry to hear that :wat: Basically there had been no changes to the Java runtime, but some game definitions changed... there was an unused "Season" enum in the WeatherDef class (which got removed with this update) and we've also changed how the game time works (the game no longer has months, although these methods should still be there, just deprecated) :thinking:

    In the API, the OnPlayerConnectEvent now appears to return null

    Hmm... do you mean the event object is null?

    Bug - the journal appears to not contain any content.

    Thanks for letting me know! It seems that this happens when loading more than one world (i.e. if you return to the main menu and load the world again or another world). It should work though the first time you load a world after a restart. However, I will fix that with the next hotfix :)

  • The console records who has joined the server. So it says something like: ...

    Unfortunately I couldn't reproduce this in singleplayer, but probably this is specific to dedicated servers :thinking: Is "null" the player object, or any player property (e.g. name)? Or more precisely, do you print something like "OnPlayerConnectEvent: " + evt.getPlayer() or "OnPlayerConnectEvent: " + evt.getPlayer().getName()?

  • The player object is not null (otherwise you would get an NPE when trying to access it, so the "OnPlayerConnectEvent" line wouldn't show up in the logs... but it seems that the getName() and getUID() methods of the player object seem to not work properly anymore (the other methods seem to work correctly) :thinking: Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I will prepare a fix for this ASAP!

  • It would be nice if there was a progress bar showing the item durability all the time in the quick slots too

    We'll think about that... the problem is that we're already showing a progress bar for certain items (e.g. bottles, canteen etc), so that could cause some confusion :thinking:

    proper syntax please

    That's already the correct syntax? =O

    app_update 339010 validate -beta unity

    According to the screenshot, SteamCMD has validated the content, has it not? Did it still not download the update?

  • app_update 339010 validate -beta unity

    According to the screenshot, SteamCMD has validated the content, has it not? Did it still not download the update?

    only one line -- server still not fully updated

    have ot run over and over dif every time

    "The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift, which is why we call it the Present."

  • only one line -- server still not fully updated

    have ot run over and over dif every time

    Unfortunately I have never seen that problem before :wat: It happens from time to time that SteamCMD does not recognize updates in beta branches, but the validate parameter usually does the trick in these cases... does it help if you delete the server files instead (just the Data folder, for example), then execute the update?

    Thank You, Thank You, THANK YOU!!!!!

    That magnifying glass is amazeballs perfect!!!!

    Hehe, thanks for your feedback, glad to hear you like it :D

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