Edit elemet now requires an extra click in menu - no toggable

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  • The edit element feature no longer allows you to change an element by simply clicking on it any more, now you have to select another option from the radial menu. This is most inconvenient when trying to build a big project and change hundreds of elements accurately. Please can this be put back to how it was :(

  • The edit element feature no longer allows you to change an element by simply clicking on it any more, now you have to select another option from the radial menu. This is most inconvenient when trying to build a big project and change hundreds of elements accurately. Please can this be put back to how it was :(

    Could you elaborate on that? You're probably referring to the F8 edit tool (1)? What do you want to change exactly, the texture?

    Left click basically still performs the "Repeat last action" (from the radial menu), everything there seems to be still working as expected :wat:

  • Im sorry, the left click to perform last action is now working again after a few hours in game, Ive no idea what caused that to stop functioning, in fact its now working for texture and shape this saves me so much time :).... sorry for posting :wacko:

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