Admin no PVE Perm workaround.

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  • There is currently a bug where admins have no PVE permissions. to work around this, you need to have an admin permissions group (ive attached one if needed).

    The admin permission needs to be in the permissions/groups folder.

    in the file remove all UID's but your own.

    log into the game and run the command setplayergroup <PlayerNameHere> <adminGroupNameHere> without the <>.

    You then want to run the command revokeadmin <PlayerUIDHere> without the <>.

    you can then run the setplayergroup command for the rest of your admins.

    NOTE* to get a players UID you can open the scoreboard (default I key) and right click a name and select copy uid.

    EDIT* one possible issue with this is that plugins that use the isAdmin boolean will no longer be true for admins.

    if you have something for admins is not working after using this workaround download the attached plugin.

    in the add your admin group name. once this is set up those in your admin group can type /make and /revoke in chat

    to add remove themselves from the file.

  • Hello james1bow,

    thank you for your nice and precise tutorial. Works wonderfully, just had to make a compromise. To be able to execute the command 'setplayergroup' in the console. I had to add the UID to the ''. Otherwise I got the error message in the console that I didn't have the rights.

    After executing the command I was able to remove the UID in the '' and everything works fine.

    Rising World Dedicated Server unter Linux Ubuntu with SteamCMD.

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