Feature request: Hud indicator +- vertical degrees off horizontal for better digging navigation

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  • Feature request: Hud indicator +- vertical degrees off horizontal for better digging navigation

    There's an old abandonware game called StarForge that had a numeric 'tape' indicator at the side of the screen to show the players' vertical angle of view. This made it easy to dig upward or downward consistently at the same angle. I've noticed that in RW, I tend to unconsciously increase the down angle until I'm stuck in a pit.

    I picture this widget as either an angle of attack (AOI) indicator, or the horizontal index bars on an artificial horizon, both being aviation instruments.

    I hope this would be fairly easy to add, I love base building - above or below ground.

    Rising World is awesome!

  • when you mentioned it to me in discord i started working on a laser you could place and adjust its angle then just dig where it points. i lost alot of my code a few months back but if its something that would be usable i can restart work on it sometime.

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