Multilingual / Mehrsprachig

A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!
Latest hotfix: (2024-12-20)
  • Is there a way to detect the local language to write multilingual scripts?

    Gibt es eine Möglichkeit die lokale Sprache zu erkennen, um mehrsprachige Skripte zu schreiben?

  • Since there's already a way to load properties, I believe only a simple option to detect the player language should be fine.

    translations = {};
    translations["en"] = getProperty("locales/");
    translations["de"] = getProperty("locales/");
    translations["fr"] = getProperty("locales/");
    function t(player, msg)
    return (translations[player.getLocale()] or translations["en"] or {})[msg] or msg;

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