Some of suggestions

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  • At begining sorry for my english (its not my primal) Sow i heve some idea (proably not briliand and not news :P) but:

    1. We can cook... sow meyby if in gme will be water add some thinks like bowl and pot to making soup? "ow i fund tomato! i can make tomato soup with pumpkin creme!"
    2. We heve cows in games, we heve glass too... sow why dont make bootles from glass and dont get milk from cows? "pumpkin. check. milk. check. now only shugar and can make pumpkin cake! :D"
    3. evry items like pikaxe, shawel etc. shuld heve durabylyty, lets make game more realistik in this whey "oh no! my sword is broken! ow wel i heve pikaxe... o gat i must reapr all my gear :("
    4. Items shuld be pickabble! ok i know bassics items can be make easly... but not all! "i need remodel my home! lets move this table here and that sofa there... ow wheit i cant pick them now and dont heve resources for them nooooo!"
    5. if you trow torch to hol that torch shuld lith that hole before dark bottom don eat light! "oh no! i acidentaly drop my torch! i cant see where it is! im scered dark :("
    6. Translate. basic translate game to other langiage. its to wey for that or google translator (yes its work well in 70% if work with singel word not sentence") or ask people for help!
    7. more dnageruse night! i know it will be addet more agresive mobs soon but hmm... i whana feel safer in dey and hide in my house for night bicouse its more fun xD
    8. chose betwen Woman and Man haracter will be nice option :)

    i think its all for now (meyby i frogot about somethink but then i will write it here :P) sorry for your eyes hurting who even read that xD nice day love ya all <3<3<3

    ow ow i forgot :3 meyby some of books to fill some bookshelfs? :) or bosibly to put on them somethink xD

  • Everybody has to start somewhere. I'm not that proud of my command of the English language either. You tried so you deserve praise :D.

    1) We can cook in great detail, or so Red said both in postings & feature page. We shall be able to cook almost in the Skyrim level, or maybe above that, needing specific ingredients & kitchen tools.
    2) Glass bottles to bottle up water & milk is something I want to see also. Reusable containers. Even this game's version of Coca-Cola, Pepsi & Kofola (how I miss Kofola). Even the neutral Fanta would be neat. Keeping it to the basics though would be neat with bottled water & milk. (Sadly no beer in vanilla. How about wine?)
    3) Durability on tools is something I also want in my games, yet Red mentioned he has other plans. He mentioned the tools may become useless, especially after repairs, that you might as well either upgrade or replace to a step higher or replace them. As long as they break & we can repair I would be happy.
    4) Picking up placed tables, chairs, and furniture type objects? Yes, that should be a must and is something Red mentioned he'll make possible.
    5) Throwing torches is something I'm now being suggested more with Red needing to make note of this. Throwing torches and other durable light sources should be a must now, especially with how mining goes. It's something I also wanted in Minecrat yet was denied.
    6) I thought the game was translated. I guess only in English & German. Taking a page out of Minecraft would be awesome by having the community members translating for you while also adding in humour in places (example: Canadian used stereotypes while pirates added more "aarr!" type deals).
    7) I agree that we need more creatures in general, more so with dangerous mobs. We're going to be given small firearms, crossbows, bows & arrows, among other 'light' weaponry so it would be interesting to encounter this game's version of bandits, robbers, among other neat hostile threats. I guess Red and his buddies want to keep the game simple when it comes to the Ai, but I still want to highly suggest two AI types - stalker & interceptor types. Stalker basically being one to follow you around while the interceptor being one that attacks you after doing specific things.
    8) You can choose between both genders, even customize hair, and maybe even the facial presets. I'm hoping one can go into great detail with the eyes and other customization. It's going to be very important for myself and others.


    I'm looking forward to seeing how Red shall implement books. I want to get an archive going, maybe even archived picture books with texts under them. Should be interesting, and something we can look forward to.

  • Hmm... When i read your respond i get new idea but when i finish reading forgot now after play i get it bck sow... Why not make that food in your inventory (not in chest or barel) start rot after like 7 in game days and it will not rot when its in chest (or barel) or cooked? Of course after rot you can still eat it but you ged flue xD

  • I was actually thinking about the whole rotting food thing with food spoiling roughly on their expiration dates. We would then need to put them in recyclable cans, bottles (liquids), and to put them in refrigerators to keep them safe. Should even give us the option to keep fish & meat cold in winter biomes in the open, but a chance to attract hungry hibernating rogue bears.

    People would of course moan about it, but when you finally get into the mood/the groove you can store all these food sources properly. You can fish food then BBQ it to make it last longer by then placing it in the fridge for an in-game month or so. Trains and trucks with frozen storage areas (+ ice boxes) would also add importance to these vehicles.

    It be an interesting twist to Rising World.

  • ok... sow now when i go to one server and start play... sow why nomake that when you destroy for exaple cobelstone (bicouse one idiot read me make wrong deciosion in bulid xD) you dont get like stone but less amount?

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