Make a Compass

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  • What crafting table do I use to make a compass? I can't find it anywhere I've looked and I don't have aluminum yet so I can't check the Tier II Workbench.

    Edit: Also, is it possible yet to plant vegetables/fruits? If so, how?

  • Hi there Friend. The compass is created by using the tier 2 workbench...which you need aluminium for...which you need to travel far and wide for...which you need the compass for...Haaa! That's one of the dilemmas a few of us are grumbling a bit about. Aluminium is pretty bloomin' hard to find..and see once you find it. ha!

    Ah! Plants! Well. what you do, is you create a hoe first. This is used much like the rake, to create farmland. this soil can then be planted onto. Thanks Friend, and i hope i helped (and didn't rant on too much! ha!)

    * Watch out for the Tomatoes btw Friend! They do...odd...things! :) Once, i went to pick the toms off of one of my plants, and it grew really HUGE! It was like something from jack and the beanstalk! haa!

  • Yeah, i can understand why Red and the guys have placed the compass onto the Tier II workbench, because it's modern era stuff, but i think we really need a paper map for the early era stuff, so that we can simply mark on our home. We'll ALL be exploring when the Biomes arrive, and we desparately need some way to pinpoint the location of our home. In my opinion, placing blocks and torches and things really takes away the immersion of the game, as you're concentrating on all this fiddling, and not taking in the scenery, and not looking for resources. :/

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