Just Some Questions

  • Hi, I have a few questions about the animations and content.

    Animations -Are you planning on improving the animations such as the axing swing, seeing on how it spins in the opposite direction of the head of the axe when swing at the tree, and how the pickaxe doesn't go in the ground when swung? If you do plan on improving them are you going to add particles to it where such as blood goes flying through the air when hitting animal or if you hit a tree wood bits fall to the ground? Also are you planning on adding attack animations or defensive animations for animals?

    Content- I was just curious if you guys are planning on adding more animals such as aggressive animals such as wolves or coyotes? Are you also going to add different forms of plant life which can used in herbology to make potions for increased stamina (if you do add one) or to help as a pain reliever for broken bones (again if you add that :D) also for many other uses such as to battle coldness or diseases, which leads to another question of if you are adding climate and weather.

    With these questions i have many more i'd like to ask and have a good amount of suggestions i'd like to share if you are interested in taking ideas an im a avid gamer and love the potential you have going here. :thumbup:

  • Sorry for the late answer, had been very busy due to the Steam release ^^

    Animations: Yes, we urgently need to rework them. We are also planning on reworking the character, so we will add new item animations (and, finally, including hands^^) at the same time ;) I'm pretty sure this will make the game looks more polished.
    Particles should already be visible when hitting trees/terrain/animals/players?

    Animals: We will introduce hostile animals (attacking you on sight) soon, as well as defensive animals (they only attack you if you attacked them first) :) Once we have different biomes in the game, there will be more animals (e.g. elephants in savanna etc.).

    Content: Yes, we wanted to give the ability to create potions out of different plants. I also like the idea of using them to "heal" your broken bones, we put that on our list ;)
    In the long term, diseases are also planned. Climate will come together with biomes. Not sure when we finally implemented weather, it's definitely planned, but only low priority right now

  • Thanks for the reply ^^ i was also wondering if you are going to add siege weapons to the game sense you have the ability to build towns, and are you also going to make the bigger more complex stuff to build, something your going to have to get progress to such as specialized parts for those things?

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