Half blocks for different shapes?

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  • Hi all iv just started on another building and was just wondering why there is only half blocks for blocks and not for any other shapes ? the reason why I ask is because im half way into building a new place and came across a problem that i needed a half ramp to finnish the edges (having used half block).

    Iv included a screenshot of the problem maybe its me doing something wrong but for what iv tired so far it seems anything that i try it leaves something sticking out or just cant be placed (as in the screenshot red outline) and doesnt blend in at all but having a half slope would work.

  • It's a technical limitation, since each "block index" can only hold one value. However, we will implement a workaround for that in the future ;) In this particular case (on image 1), you could remove the ramp in the corner and put a full block (with the same texture as the wall) there.

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