Limit to used poster's?

  • Hi just wondering if there is a limit to how many posters that you can used within the game or would it be depending on the machine's performance ie the more items within a area the slower it would render ? im guessing it will be the later, Ok i can hear you all saying "how many posters do you need"! well im decorating and using poster for carpets / wallpaper :whistling: as you can see in pic 3

    At the monent its only around 40 without any difference.

  • Basically there is no limit, but every single poster has an impact on performance ;) Apart from that, posters are not optimized yet, that's why they're not very suitable as wallpapers or carpets (at least there will be similar methods available in the future which allow you to place much more "efficient" and less resource-hungry wallpapers^^). On the other hand, nothing can go wrong, especially in singleplayer. If you notice sudden random crashes or poor performance after placing new images, you probably hit the limit for your machine.

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