Severe FPS issue

A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!
  • Hello!

    So I recently got the game(like 1 week before the update) and I was thrilled.
    Joined a server,made a lot of friends,had fun togheter,built a mancave and so on.
    When I heard about a new update I was very excited.
    Some days ago,after the update,I decided to check it out.
    It looked fantastic,it was great.
    Except one thing.
    I had maximum of 15 FPS.
    Before the update I reached easily 50-60 FPS...but now...only 15-20 at lowest settings,with all drivers updated.

    I admit it,my PC is not good at all, used to run it smoothly on normal settings,now I can't do anything :(

    Any ideas or tips on what I should do?

    Thanks for your time ^^

  • What hardware do you have exactly? Maybe you can open console ingame (key ^ or ´ or /) and type "report" (without quot. marks), then a report file should appear in your game directory (steamversion: steam/steamapps/common/risingworld). Please post the content of this file here :)
    You can also open the file and set "graphic_texture_quality" to 0, since slightly reduces the memory consumption..

  • Hello,and thanks for your fast reply.
    It is a little,just a little smoother with the "graphic_texture_quality" option set at 0,still not playable tho.Lag spikes are frequent too.

    Here is the report.

    Report of 30.09.2015 by ireny Version: 0.6.1_21
    OS: Windows 7 (x64) Version: 6.1 Java version: 1.8.0_25 JVM architecture: amd64
    CPU: [AuthenticAMD, AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5200+, 2, 2] Executor poolsize: 4
    Memory used: 123.91 MB reserved: 444.07 MB max: 954.73 MB

    Existing buffers: 6638
    (b: 3132 f: 2465 i: 82 s: 959 d: 0)
    Total heap memory held: 121006kb
    Total direct memory held: 260791kb
    (b: 252010kb f: 6684kb i: 837kb s: 1258kb d: 0kb)

    Resolution: 1280x720 (Fullscreen)
    Frequency: 60 Vsync: off
    DepthBits: 24
    BitsPerPixel: 32
    Samples: 1
    MaxFrames: 200
    Renderer: LWJGL-OpenGL2

    Anisotropic: 1
    DynamicLights: 100 Quality: 2
    ViewDistance: 5 (LOD: 10)

    LS(Q)/LG/ENV/PHD/NM/FOD/FXAA/SPEC/REFR/SSAO: 0(57)/0/0/0/1/0/0/0/0/0/

    Graphics: GeForce 9800 GT/PCIe/SSE2 Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation OpenGL version: 3.3.0
    Accelerated Memory: Indeterminate
    GLMaxTextureSize: 8192
    GLMaxTextureImageUnits: 32
    GLMaxArrayTextureLayers: 35071
    GLMaxVertexTextureImageUnits: 32
    GLMaxVertexUniforms: 4096
    GLMaxFragmentUniforms: 2048
    GLMaxVaryingFloats: 60
    GLMaxVertexAttribs: 16

    Capabilities: [FrameBuffer, FrameBufferMRT, FrameBufferMultisample, TextureMultisample, OpenGL20, OpenGL21, OpenGL30, OpenGL31, OpenGL32, OpenGL33, GLSL100, GLSL110, GLSL120, GLSL130, GLSL140, GLSL150, GLSL330, VertexTextureFetch, GeometryShader, TextureArray, TextureBuffer, FloatTexture, FloatColorBuffer, FloatDepthBuffer, PackedFloatTexture, SharedExponentTexture, PackedFloatColorBuffer, NonPowerOfTwoTextures, MeshInstancing, VertexBufferArray, Multisample, PackedDepthStencilBuffer, Srgb, FrameBufferBlit, TextureCompressionS3TC, TextureFilterAnisotropic, TextureCompressionETC1, TextureCompressionETC2, DepthTexture, IntegerIndexBuffer, SeamlessCubemap, BinaryShader]

    Camera location: (-16.16196, 64.46033, 399.65247) Camera rotation: (0.042385295, 0.92708844, -0.11047985, 0.35567498)
    Total running time: 166.3823

    D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/RisingWorld/risingworld.jar (9e2bb8d1707dff2109646a2c5a9fcec9)
    D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/RisingWorld/core/jbullet.jar (6c76c153d9e916fe2ccca3c22d404129)
    D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/RisingWorld/core/jinput.jar (a0be2ae778b2f5d70d554c27d381dbcb)
    D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/RisingWorld/core/jinput-natives-linux.jar (0fae8f38711ae22308aaa47624b03691)
    D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/RisingWorld/core/jinput-natives-osx.jar (d56527074b3cb6f5f37eed6feaf42414)
    D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/RisingWorld/core/jinput-natives-windows.jar (ad8ac871336d6c386f131cf3ac99ddc8)
    D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/RisingWorld/core/jme3-core.jar (f372b84ef8978cb3cf3006509861e79e)
    D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/RisingWorld/core/jme3-desktop.jar (ae7e7d39b4d986a183cfcc55ac8293f6)
    D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/RisingWorld/core/jme3-effects.jar (1b6120bb1384e0b7e9a3616dec063340)
    D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/RisingWorld/core/jme3-jbullet.jar (f004ecc970d1be60197115b062e3b01f)
    D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/RisingWorld/core/jme3-lwjgl.jar (b810837411ce9676b7f7987bb9cc4052)
    D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/RisingWorld/core/jutils.jar (6b3285be8cbfdd0e8db706c6c994c0b9)
    D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/RisingWorld/core/lwjgl.jar (f8bf8c598432b3be2252b50b975155cb)
    D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/RisingWorld/core/lwjgl-natives-linux.jar (f829980d5628a32be0c3883205a817c3)
    D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/RisingWorld/core/lwjgl-natives-osx.jar (fbdf0fe173b29523aafacb7a6e0633c6)
    D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/RisingWorld/core/lwjgl-natives-windows.jar (8a2ad7ae35b81621979435716368be8f)
    D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/RisingWorld/core/stack-alloc.jar (13242768bfac6e72b5f08201d605ff39)
    D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/RisingWorld/core/vecmath.jar (abb54a743934f7177748d360a7b77fc4)
    D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/RisingWorld/data/server.jar (faf10f25b84dd159f193264588540272)
    D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/RisingWorld/data/commons.jar (b06d184c6feaf79a1d3427db2f905df5)
    D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/RisingWorld/data/jiw/java-fmod.jar (09be87949d64687e89c8d8583b45f0d4)
    D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/RisingWorld/data/jiw/java-fmod-natives.jar (7660dadca5729d7b7297b77823b93357)
    D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/RisingWorld/data/jiw/jiw-gui.jar (66e602c3299675a4e85d1e225c69a899)
    D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/RisingWorld/data/jiw/jiw-network.jar (2845b17cad2a64bdae8a97bf65ca1f0c)
    D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/RisingWorld/data/jiw/jiw-bytenetwork.jar (07de1b5eef6b57f484fbfb6d0f640dc4)
    D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/RisingWorld/data/jiw/rcon.jar (d3dd05ccb35fe1c57637aef2fd7589bb)
    D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/RisingWorld/lib/sqlite-jdbc.jar (5fa420d75512d78ba9b08143ddca61b7)
    D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/RisingWorld/lib/luaj.jar (35b99210e527b306ca52158f1479894d)
    D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/RisingWorld/data/assets/interface.jar (c5b7bbbba729e3b1476e08df2d6381d8)
    D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/RisingWorld/data/assets/materials.jar (9d21194736910715bf0f71c5bd0661f4)
    D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/RisingWorld/data/assets/models.jar (9549e1a1a78a4aa24c8d7b829d3faf1e)
    D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/RisingWorld/data/assets/textures.jar (f25fa05c3a7857c5fa95177c626a949a)


  • Thanks for the report file! :) Biggest issues are unfortunately the "AMD Athlon64 X2" CPU and "Nvidia Geforce 9800 GT", they struggle to display the game smoothly, especially since there are slightly higher requirements now since the latest update =/ But maybe wait for the next update, the "graphic_texture_quality" only affects very few textures at the moment, so if it already has an impact on your performance, I'm pretty sure the impact will be even greater with the next update ;) In the medium term we also plan to add options to reduce the quality of trees, this should result in a performance boost, too^^

  • Hmm, my computer is very similar (built 10 years ago for Oblivion). Has win7-64, dualcore cpu (C2D-e6700/2.66ghz ), 4G ram and nvidia GTX650 (was 8800GTX but had to be replaced). I turned settings down for the new update, not sure my FPS but it feels more than 15FPS, and certainly does not feel painful (although if I fly to new area, takes a little bit for the new zones to load). However I play in singleplayer mode and that is likely a lot less strain.

    Out of curiosity, do you get the same framerates in singleplayer and multiplayer? Do you know whether they use custom textures? There was a recent changeover to DDS textures I think and some DDS settings might be more demanding than others. It is possible your multiplayer server is putting unusually high load on your system if they have custom textures. You might also experiment on some other servers, just as a test, to see if your experiences are the same with all of them. If framerates are really bad on all of them at least you ruled that out as a factor. Also, because we have old computers, try to make sure there is NOTHING else running in background (no browser/chats/youtube etc) as our poor old CPUs cannot handle as much as the new ones.

    edit: I found F3 key so I checked framerates, I also have my config set to "MaxFrames: 30" since 30 FPS is fine with me in most RPGs and I think it might reduce stuttering/spikes a little. Mine seems to stay steady at 30FPS, but I am sure multiplayer is much more demanding, depending maybe too on how many people, how many objects, and any custom textures.

  • Ok.
    I will.
    Thank you !

    And yes Brash,same FPS in Singleplayer.

    @icon I'm on wireless right now.But that has nothing to do with it ^^

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