The Deadlands Server (

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • I am going to create a ban script as well, unless there is already a ban command in the game. It would be pretty easy. When they log in, check their name against the banned players db table. If they are banned, then be mean and teleport them to an area that has the permissions set to not let them leave. Like a jail. The areaprotection script definitely already includes working functionality for that. I got myself stuck in one the other day when testing. lol.

  • Absalom you should have staff people when you get ban/kick commands so if your not on and someone is greifing or downright rude you have staff to watch over your Rising World server to keep clean and such. Just an idea I'm throwing out there.

  • I'd be glad to help out I am staff on another server called Xegaming. I'm a guide on there i have kick/ban commands and can check for greif on there been staff on there since March of this year :) So if you need help I'm willing to help you out. If you do choose me. :)

  • I'd also be glad to help out as well.

    My house was also griefed pretty heavily. Lots of holes punched in the wall and all my furniture was stolen.

  • I'm undertaking a community project to build the jail. I'm doing it close to spawn, but not super far away. once the building is done, you can mark it with the handy dandy scripts when they're ready to go.

  • hi,
    i have joined this server a several minutes ago and have extremely lagg.
    i live in the netherlands an hear that this server is running the US.
    i there something i can do for no lagg

    Dutch|Netherlands| A man with a plan they call me

  • Absalom you should make a script for locking doors and storage containers as well people have said their stuff has been stolen from the barrels and chests.

  • Not sure I can get that detailed. The area protection script will keep uninvited players completely off your land, so that should help.

  • I loved the server while I lasted...Im apparently stuck in a hole someone dug all the way to lava? Cant get out :( Is there a suicide command im missing?


    Edit: I guess you just have to relog. Maybe I just fell into the terrain while chasing a pig! :)

  • Absalom we got greifed again i logged on at 3:35am EST and my house had semi greif I fixed 90% of my house I'll fix rest later today. Also spawn had minor greif I had blocks left from when I fixed it earlier.

  • Bonjour je suis français voila j ai acheter rising world sur steam et je suis inscrit sur le forum je voulais vous demander la permission d aller sur votre serveur car j aime beaucoup jouer en communauté je ne suis pas la personne qui détruit tout car je n aime pas ça je suis allez faire un tour vite fait sur le serveur test pour moi il fonctionne très bien aucun soucie.
    donc j attend votre permission pour aller sur le serveur et bientot INGAME.
    Mercie d avance.

  • I only translated part of it but it looks like you are asking to join the server community. Absolutely! The more the merrier! Welcome!

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