
The next update will be available on Wednesday, December 18, in the early evening (GMT+1).

This update will not yet replace the Java version, instead it is the actual content update. We'll provide more information about the transition together with the update.
  • tried another new world now everyting seems fine now
    smooth when i turn
    120 fps when standing still
    but what i also did was to asinged the java exe and risingworld exe into the catalist control center(only 1 grafic card in my pc)
    now i think im starting all over and make new bp's and worlds
    do not gonna try the otherones wanna avoid any trouble

  • just a popupscreen "errorcode 201 an internal error occured please try again later"

    That's unfortunately caused by the "Steam Web API", it's currently having some problems and is offline every few minutes. You can see the status of the Steam services (relevant part is as mentioned "Steam Web API") here: https://steamstat.us/

    and now when i deleted everyting a brand new world stutters and craches when opening journal and cliking on bleuprints

    There seems to be a bug related to some blueprints, we're looking into this issue, a fix will be available this evening probably ;)

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